Bowling in Hell

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Chapter 3

Bowling in Hell

Penelope and Scott exit the school, hand in hand and laughing.

"Where are you taking me?" Penelope whispered breathlessly.

"Somewhere we can be alone," Scott replies, dragging her towards the school buses.

"But we are alone," she smiled when he backed up against the bus door, pulling her against him.

"Somewhere we can be more alone," he grins, opening the door and looking back at her, "Come on."

He holds her hand, sitting in one of the seats, and she sits in the one across from him. Penelope stretches her legs out, watching him. He's looking at her in a way she's never seen before, almost hungrily. She blushes, ducking her head under his watchful gaze. Scott pushes himself up, walking over to her seat, caging her in with his arms. When he neared her, she looked up to meet him, her breath hitching in her throat. "Scott?" He was inches from her face, his breath ghosting over her lips.

"Penelope," he groaned, before ducking his head and capturing her mouth with hers. The kiss started soft and sweet, before Scott took control, seeming set on claiming her. His hands toyed at the edges of her blouse, and although this was all new to her and her head felt incredibly light and fuzzy, Penelope had no intention of stopping him. He lowered his mouth, pressing kisses along her jaw, and down the column of her throat, a moan escaping her lips.

Scott pulled back, breathing heavily. "Scotty? What's wrong?" she asked him, concerned.

"Get away."

"Scott... are you changing?" she tried, suddenly feeling the smallest pang of fear. "Scott," she said again when he turned away completely, standing up from her seat.

"Get away from me," he grunted. Penelope took one step back as Scott turned, showing her what she already knew was happening. His eyes glowed bright amber yellow, his canines extended, sideburns bushy.

Knowing that she needed to leave, she turned to run, making her way down the aisle. She heard the fast steps of Scott's feet as he ran down the aisle after her, and she felt one of his clawed hands wrap around her ankle, throwing her off balance. She hit the ground hard, being pulled back, trying to grab onto the poles of the seats to stop him.

"Stop!" she sobbed, as her fingers kept painfully slipping from the bars. His claws dug into her ankles, drawing blood, but her heart was beating so fast that she barely noticed the pain. She tried kicking out to release his hold on her but nothing worked. Her face slammed into the seats and the floor as they went, and she could feel her lip swell and her cheek burn as it slammed down into the ground.

She felt him stop, and she turned, looking up at the man who had attacked her. The man she had known most of her life, who she had come to love. When he made like he was rearing back to attack her again, she kicked out one more time, her foot finding purchase on the center of his chest. Scott was thrown back, giving her a moment to clamber down the aisle. Glancing back at him, another strangled cry left her lips when he ripped a whole seat from the bus and flung it towards her like it weighed nothing. Slamming her hands against the bus door, Penelope tried desperately to open it, squeezing her bloodied fingers through the small opening and attempting to pry it open. She saw him prowling over the seats, stalking her.

His hand wrapped around her mouth, muffling her cries, before slamming her head against the transparent door.

Black spots marred her vision as she awoke with a gasp, still unsure of where she was. Her arms scrambled to find purchase as she screamed from her nightmare. Her body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, her hair plastered to her forehead. Once she realized that it was just a dream, and that she was in bed, she leaned back on her elbows, trying to collect herself and her still racing heart and mind.

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