Who's Your Anchor?

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Chapter 2

Who's Your Anchor?

Penelope sat in the bleachers waiting for the lacrosse team to come out onto the field and start practice. She had been anxious all day, feeling like bad news was coming. She'd never gotten these feelings before but it was like ever since the night of Scott's bite, she couldn't stop them. But maybe she shouldn't ignore them. When she finally saw them exit the school, she smiled, but it quickly morphed into a frown at just how worried they both looked, but Coach blew his whistle and immediately pulled everyone onto the field, so she would have to save her questions for later.

Pushing the binder she had open in her lap back into her bag, she pulled her jacket tighter around her torso, shivering slightly. Then she saw Scott come up in line and saw who he was going against and felt her apprehension grow. But it wasn't how she expected. It wasn't Jackson who was torn apart. When Jackson and Scott collided, Scott was thrown to the ground. Coach walked over to him. Penelope couldn't make out what he was saying but she could tell it wasn't nice.

"McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again!" He shouts, pointing at Scott as he runs to take his place back in the front of the line. Penelope grips her hands nervously, chewing on her lip.

Then her previous intuition is proven correct. When Scott takes off, it's clear he's on a mission. He's pissed. He slams into Jackson's right shoulder and he goes down, then Scott clutches his head and goes down shortly after. Stiles leaves the line and runs to him as everyone else crowds around Jackson. Penelope quickly grabs her bag and rushes down the bleachers over to the boys huddled on the field. As she reaches them, Stiles starts to haul Scott up.

"Come on, get up, come on," she hears Stiles tell him before she goes to Scott's right side and helps him get Scott away from everybody.

They get to the locker room and bring Scott inside.

"Come on, here you go," Stiles tells him. Penelope leaves her hand on his shoulder for a moment in comfort at the boy's distress and says, "You're gonna be alright, Scotty."

But Scott is hunched over and breathing heavily, Stiles and Penelope share a look of concern, and he stretches his arm out in front of her, in between herself and Scott.

Stiles presses on, "You alright, Scott? You alright?" he asks with concern for their friend, especially at seeing how he was behaving.

"Get away from me!" Scott suddenly roared, looking up at the two of them, fangs bared through his helmet, eyes glowing bright amber instead of their usual deep brown.

Penelope screamed in fright, she had always been a jumpy person. Even her mother walking into the kitchen unexpectedly would make her jump and shout in surprise. Seeing her friend like this terrified her. Stiles gripped her arm tight and scrambled back with her when Scott came towards them. When they rounded a corner, he suddenly jumped on top of the lockers, causing their heads to snap up at him. She saw the door wide open and grabbed Stiles's arm for them to run, but he stopped them before they could, his eyes on the fire extinguisher by the door frame.

Scott jumped down from the rafters and Stiles pulled the fire extinguisher off the wall, pulling the pin, spraying their werewolf friend, dousing him in the cold white mist. He pulls her outside the room when he's done, and just a few seconds later they hear a weak, "Stiles? Nelly? What happened," from inside the locker room.

They look back inside, relieved to see Scott, no longer wolfed-out, just looking thoroughly exhausted.

"You tried to kill us," Stiles huffed, while Nelly went to sit beside him, showing him that it was okay, she wasn't afraid of him.

An Unrequested Gift - Teen Wolf Fanfiction (Scott x OFC x Stiles)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant