Loophole 12

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Chapter 12

"Father and I are going on a trip." Mom says cheerfully. " We wont be gone for long, honey."

        I look up at my mother, she looks so young. Again, I am in a younger version of myself as I look up to her and say my goodbyes. I was so naive. How could I just let them go like that. They walk out the door and wave as the babysitter of mine stays on the couch, watching me. A couple weeks go by and the babysitter stops showing up because my parents haven't payed her. I was all alone, crushed by life once again. Tears well up in my eyes and I blink them away. Instead of making my vision clear, it made it more blurry, signalling that I will leave this world and into another one.

But this world here I don't perceive as real life at all..

        I am in a town square, watching people go by. They all seems to either live busy lives, or laid back ones. Some people are walking by really fast or just strolling around. I walk up to a salesman trying to sell some masks.

"Hey there lady, would you like to buy anything?" The mask seller asks me.

"No, not particularly, thanks." I say as I try to walk away. I see a blonde teen walk up to him, saving me from talking again. He buys a mask and then runs off. He looks like BEN, but.. different. Nicer. I run after him, thinking he might be a good person to talk to. Every now and then when he would stop to do something I would talk to a person to ask something, but it seems like they only have a set phrase. Almost robot like.. Game like.

        The BEN lookalike goes into a field and stops to blow on this weird musical thing. He is now standing, waiting for something. 'Now's my chance!' I say in my mind. I run up to him and he senses me and turns around with his sword drawn. I stop mid way and look at him, shocked. He slowly sheaths his sword and turns.

"Hey.. um. Can you tell me where I am?" I ask him.

        He turns to face me again and looks at me with a confused face. He won't answer me though, which is irritating. His horse comes up and he climbs on top, ready to leave. 

"Wait!" I yell after him.

        He turns his horse around and looks at me as to say 'What do you want?'.

"If you can't tell me where I am, can you at least take me somewhere where I can talk to people?"

        He motions for me to hop on after sighing and flipping his blonde hair. Man, this guy is like a BEN but quiet and sassy. We ride off into a village and I get off, thanking him. He nods and gets off as well. I knock on the first house I see and a man opens the door. He wears a huge smile and welcomes me in. I sit down at the table as they offer me tea. I try to ask them some questions, but they only turn to me and laugh or smile. The wife would say something about her cat, but when I press on, dying for some kind of conversation, she keeps repeating the same line over and over again. I just stop tying and drink the tea in front of me. In mid sip the door opens and the blonde elf boy intrudes in and runs behind me. I look up at the owners of the house and they just smile. I shrug it off and go to take another sip while hearing pots breaking behind me. 'Thump thump thump..', him running up the stairs and then more pots smashing. I put down my cup and walk upstairs to where the guy went and stop as I see him kick open their private chest and steal their money. He turns to run back downstairs, but I was in his pathway. He runs up to me and keeps running, not moving anywhere, just in front of me running. He stops and moves around me and then continued running to leave the house. 'BEN is 1000x better than this guy.. (But don't tell him that)' I say in my head. 

        I go outside and sit on their front step of their house. 'I have stayed in this world for a while now. What's the point? When is it going to change..? I let my mind wander to this and that until I hear something. I perk up my ears and listen intently. Swords clashing in some alley way near me. I quickly run over to the sound and see that pot smashing guy fighting... his shadow? Okay this guy is a total loon. I walk up to him and stop to notice that him and his shadow aren't in sync. The shadow seems to look in my direction and goes up to me, slowly taking on a human form and placing his sword on my neck. The BEN lookalike sees this and backs up, not wanting the shadow to hurt me. He leaves the alleyway, leaving me and the shadow of his alone. He removes the sword from my neck and goes in front of me to look at me.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Who are you? He asks back.

"I asked first." I say to the black silhouette.

"I asked second." He says, revealing his human self.

        I immediately think to leave. Just to walk away and not look back. But before I could implement this plan, he speaks.

"I'm Dark Link. That loser over there is Link. But call me Dark." He says with a smirk.

"I'm {Y/N}." I smile.

"{Y/N}...?" He asks, his grin fading.

"Yes. Could you tell me where I am, and if I could leave?" I say as innocently as possible.

        Dark laughs at me and tells me that we are inside a game. He asked how I got here and I explained that I was being put through some kind of tests, so this was probably one of them. He tells me that the only way to get inside a game was by a game character them self. 

"Well, Slender put me through two other memories before this, so maybe this game was a memory of mine?" I try to give an explanation.

        Dark shakes his head and laughs, "Then that would mean I am a memory. Plus, I would sure remember seeing you before."

        My cheeks turn a slight shade of pink as he said that. But still, how did I end up here?

"BEN must have brought you." He says quietly. 

"What? BEN?" I ask, wanting an answer.

"Yeah, the other less attractive Link lookalike." He responds, smiling.

"Less attractive than you or Link?" I tease.

"Bo-" He stops halfway through his sentence, knowing where I was going with this.

"So you find Link attractive, huh?" I tease, making him blush.

"Wha-What!? Are you crazy? Of course not!" His cheeks are growing more and more pink.

"Stop blushing, Dark. I was only kidding around with you." I say, trying to make him less tense.

"Whatever." He says, looking away from my gaze. I laugh at his reaction. A couple minutes goes by and I ask him.

"So is there any way for me to leave?" I ask.

"Going so soon?" He pouts.

"Sorry, I just don't belong here." I say back, almost feeling sorry for him. He laughs and tells me that since he's a game character, he could take me back.

"Living in a game is not for everyone." He says as I take his hand.

"Wait!-" I say, not ready to leave just yet.

"Can you take me anywhere?" I ask.

"Just through this game. I'm not an electronics person like BEN. But since he has this game, obviously, I can take you back." He says, "Why?"

"... Could you take me back home?" I say as I turn to look at him with a sad face.

"Home as in.. Slender's mansion?" He asks me, confused.

"No. I have a copy of this game at home. Can you take me back through that?" I plead.

"I don't know.. I might get in trouble.." He says with a worried look, "I like it, let's go." He says, his face turning back into a dark, confident look.

        I land in my room with my game on the ground. I thank Dark, even though he wasn't with me, but I hoped he heard. I take the game and hold it to my chest and look around my room. 'Home sweet home.'

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