Theatre Kids

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I stumbled as Tyler shoved me into the dark corridor.

"Tyler!" I laughed and my loud voice echoed throughout the hall.

"Come on, Alannah! We're finally old enough to work this bitch," Tyler's flamboyant roar boomed.

We flung ourselves onto the light stage and I wrapped my arms around a surprised Jamie. She jumped and her clipboard was thrown across the auditorium. Jamie was the organized member of our geeky clique, Tyler the comic relief, Elizabeth the sports goddess, and next to her stood Hannah in all her fashion brilliance. Elizabeth was pretending to care as Hannah explained her new shoes. And Sean was-

"HELLO LADIES AND GAYS," Sean cried from behind me. I silenced a giggle.

"Late," Jamie lectured, and Sean rolled his eyes. He placed his hands on her shoulders and stared into Jamie's eyes.

"Jamie, I'm not the latest. There's still Patrick and Charlotte, and then there's Catherine and Sally, and-"

Sean was interrupted by the thumping of our group filing to where we stood.

"Patrick, Charlotte, Catherine, Sarah, Sean, and Falcon you are all late."

"C'mon, Jamie, it's still summer!" Sean protested.

"And you know that I'm Pat, she's Charlie, she's Cat, then she's Sally. C'mon, Jamie, kindergarten names don't change during senior year," Pat groaned.

"Whatever! We've got to get to work. I'm directing all productions, of course, Hannah's on costuming, Elizabeth, you're choreographing, and Charlie is on vocals. The rest of you are actors and stage crew until I tell you otherwise. Varsity theatre- Let's get ready. And please, don't scare me any more." Jamie turned to me and raised her eyebrows.

"And what do you see in Sean again?" Tyler whispered to me. I shook him off and walked to centre stage.

"What's the musical?" I asked Jamie and she smiled, obviously waiting for this moment.

"The Rocky Horror Show," she excitedly told all of us. Murmurs of appreciation and happiness erupted in our group. "Auditions are tomorrow!"

"She realizes this is just community theatre, right?" Sean quietly complained and I laughed.

"Alright, everyone, prepare!" Jamie cried and we did just that.


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