6» The proximity

Start from the beginning

"I think there's a van in that alley."

Vishal squinted his eyes, tring to focus at the said van through the fogged windows. She was right, there was a van but it could be any van.

"What was the number again?"

"DL 4382"

"Let me check if it is the one. You stay here." He ordered and unlocked his seat belt.

"No!" Myra replied stubbornly, "I'm coming too."

Vishal exhaled through his mouth sharply. For a second his annoyed look scared her but she didn't show her on her face.

Vishal was too tired to have an argument and let alone waste more time over a hypothetical kidnap van.

They parked the car and slowly sneaked towards the alley. The street was too dark, there was only one street light and that too far very far away from there.

Myra walked forward her steps making a soft splash sound as her foot hit the small puddles on the road that were freshly filled with recent rain.

As much as he liked to let Myra take the lead, she was too obvious.

"Hey!" He whisper yelled behind her, grabbing her attention.

Thankfully she turned with a what face.

"Get behind me. You're too loud!" He muttered.

Myra bit her cheek, controlling her urge to utter a comeback at him. Vishal took the lead and they reached near the van, close enough to look at the number plate.

DL 4632 , the number matched and they'd be lying if they say that they weren't prepared for this. They had no plan. Now that they know the van was indeed the one who threw Dia's body. They were shaken to the core, what if they get caught? Paranoia started in their minds.

As if the thought wasn't enough, two voices were heard. Myra and Vishal ducked behind the car and peaked at the direction of voices.

Two men, whose faces they couldn't see clearly, talked with a phone on speaker.

"Boss, I don't know how the video leaked. It was not supposed to be on the internet in the first place!" One man, the taller and older one in the duo spoke.

"Handle it!" A deep rough voice came from the phone, startling both the men and the sneaking duo behind the van.

The younger man in the duo, silently smacked his palm over his forehead, agitated. Older man reassured, asking him to control himself.

"Already did. The case will be closed and thrown into old files very soon."

"Hmm." The boss' response and the call ended soon.

"Malik is handling the case! Did you know that?" The younger man retorted as if trying to kick some sense into his friend's brain.

"Stop nagging me! I'll think about it tomorrow. Go home!" The older man dismissed and on cue they both parted ways.

Myra and Vishal quickly reverted back before they could catch them sneaking. They quickly got into their car but did not start the engine.

Vishal waited before one of them went inside and another hopped on his bike. The younger one on the bike, not before he started, gave a confused look at Vishal's car that looked out of place in the slum.

Vishal's and Myra's hearts started hammering in their chest ready to burst out. Their windows were tinted but not enough to completely block out the view. They slowly shifted their eyes away from the man. The man started his bike and slowly drove past the side of the car, his eyes trailing, trying to peek inside.

Once Vishal realised he was coming from the side, he quickly shifted in his seat, turning to Myra. He leaned closer to her, his face almost touching but kept a good distance not to startle her.

"What are you doing?" Myra whispered, her breath turning shallow.

"Shh!" He shushed her and quickly pulled down the front shield near her seat.

The man crossed them, he looked at the two lovers enjoying their time in the desolated slum from the comfort of their car. Lucky bastard! He thought to himself and drove further down into the slum.

"Did he go?" Vishal asked, keeping his eyes down, trying not to sneak at the man and get caught.

Myra wasn't looking either, she was too focused on their closeness. What bothered her was how it didn't bother at how close Vishal is to her. Normally she would push him off of her but instead she was scanning his features that were so perfect up close.

When no answer came from her, Vishal looked up, staring into her eyes. An involuntary gulp passed down Vishal's throat, his Adam's apple bobbing in a process that caught Myra's undivided attention.

Her eyes then fluttered to his lips. A new sensation washing over her after a very long time. Her eyes and Vishal's soon met, and unknown to her she leaned just a bit forward.

Before Vishal could catch the movement he pulled back from her warmth and stared at the wheel in front of him.

Myra cursed internally what was she thinking?

What was I thinking? Similar to her, Vishal cursed at himself. He was lucky she didn't scream in fear, he was guessing she would in a few seconds if he did not move back.

She was scared of him from the second she met him. His mere touch was enough to terrify her. He had a crazy urge to hit his head with the wheel, trying to register not to mess with her boundaries again.

"Sorry," he mumbled before starting the engine and turning the wheel in the right direction.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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