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Y/n's POV.

We all searched around the living room, looking for whatever Dustin's voice was coming out of.


"Alright, either this kid can't hear us or he's being a total douchebag." Steve commented.

"Will found a way." Nancy chimed.


"Will. He found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights." She immediately started messing with the light switches, seeing if anything worked.

"This 'Will' you guys keep talking about. Is it the same 'Will' that disappeared a few years ago?" I asked them. I wasn't around at the time, I was in Ohio.

"Guys." Steve stopped my thoughts from going deeper. "You seeing this?" He pointed the flashlight at the chandelier. Around it were little sparkles... like... magic?

"Woah." I gaped at the glittering sparkles.

Nancy approached the chandelier, lifting her hand up and running her fingers through the sparkling dust. As she did that, the sparkles began to shine brighter, a bright red colour sparkling in the air.

"Woah." Eddie repeated after me. As we all approached, I could hear Dustin's voice.

We all put one hand up, running them through the sparkles. The feeling made me giggle.

"It... tickles."

"It kinda feels good." Robin smiled.

"Does anyone know Morse code?" Nancy asked. Robin and Steve both said no.

"I know how to spell 'diarrhea'?" I cocked my head to the side. They all looked at me, a slight disgusted look on their faces. "Don't look at me like that. At least I know some Morse code."

"Wait, does SOS count?" Eddie questioned. "Is... is that good?"

"Uh, YES! Yes, Eddie. That's good. Okay, let's see if that works." Steve gave him a pat on the back.

Eddie positioned himself under the chandelier before starting to tap in the code.

"It's working." Said Robin. Eddie continued tapping the code until we heard Dustin's voice again.

"Guys? Is that you?"

"It worked! He sees it!" Robin exclaimed.

"Do something so he knows we can hear him." Said Steve.

Eddie stopped for a second, thinking of a way to let Dustin know. He waved his hand around the chandelier, making a circular movement with his hand.

"Alright, alright, I see you." Dustin's echo surrounded us.

"Maybe this kid can actually save us." Steve ran a hand through his hair.

"I have an idea. Go to Nancy's room. I'll explain everything there. Do three flickers if you understand." Said Dustin.

"Three flickers." Eddie tapped in three times.

"Okay. Head to Nancy's room. We'll figure out a way to get you out of there."


"I don't really understand what we're waiting for." Said Robin.

"Some kind of... signal." Said Nancy.

I looked around, searching for the so called 'signal'. "Nancy?"


"Is that a box of condoms?" I asked as I looked at the box that was peeking from under the bed.

She looked down, a frightened look on her face before she kicked it under her bed. "Nope."

"I swear I saw a box of con-"

"Let's focus on this... okay? Please." She cut me off, looking at me like she wanted to feed me to a snake.

"Right. Sorry." I tried hiding my smile when I noticed her blushing.

"We should have seen a signal by now, right?" Eddie tried to change the subject.

"Come on. Come on." Steve whispered hopefully as he held the flashlight.

"I'm not a very patient person, to be honest." I whispered, only to be shushed by the others as they focused on the task at hand.

"You guys seeing this?" I heard Dustin's faint voice.

The same glittering dust appeared in the air, shining very brightly. Nancy didn't waist a second, putting her hand where Steve was shining the flashlight. I could hear Dustin's excited shouts as Nancy did so.

"We're not moving it, but we're gonna unplug it. Stand by." Said Dustin. A moment later, the sparkles faded, but appearing to still be there nontheless. "Try it now."

"Um, uh..." Nancy hesitated for a second before writing an 'H' and then an 'I' in the air, using the sparkles as ink.

"That worked!" We heard an echo.



"Thank God!" Everyone cheered.

Nancy continued writing: S-T-U-C-K

"You can't get back through watergate?"

"What the hell's watergate?" Steve turned to me.

"Oh, he said watergate? I thought he said masturbate." I commented, gaining everyone's attention. "Forget I said that."

"I think he means 'cause it's a gate and it's in water." Robin explained.


"That's cute." Eddie chimed.

Nancy wrote something down, everyone's attention going back to her.

"Okay. We think we have a theory that can help with that!"


"Genius child."

"We think watergate isn't the only gate! That there's a gate at every murder site."

"Does anyone understand what he's talking about?" Asked Nancy.



"No idea."

"I didn't even hear him."

"Seriously?! How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys just trust me?!?!" Dustin yelled irritated.

"Jesus Christ, this kid has to get his ego in check."

"It's his tone, right?"


"Okay. So how far is your trailer?" Nancy asked.

"7 miles." Answered Eddie.

"Nancy? I know your house is like, weirdly, creepily frozen in time and shit, but haven't you always had bikes?"

"Are we going for a bike ride?" I asked them. "Okay, um, sounds fun, but it might be a little late to start learning now, right? 'Cause... I don't how to ride bikes."

"You've got to be kidding me." Robin sighed.

"How do you not know how to ride bikes?" Eddie questioned.

"Well, I did try to learn once, but... I fell into my friend's pool and almost drowned, so I stayed away from bikes after that." I explained.

"How are we gonna get there then?" Asked Steve.

"Mike used to give El bike rides on his bike. She would sit at the back. We can try that." Said Nancy. Everyone agreed and we left to go get the bikes.

"Whoever is taking me on their bike, if you dare drop me, we will have problems."

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