The Bats

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VERY IMPORTANT A/N: This needs to be said. I thought that people would have enough human decency that I wouldn't have to do this, but it looks like it won't stop unless I say something. The hate comments need to stop. I take time out of my day to write something so you guys can enjoy. And it's okay if you don't, but don't make me feel shitty about it. Simply stop reading. It's that easy. Get your fucking life together. I know that I should be used to hate doing what I do. But no one should get used to people talking shit about their work that they make for YOU. I appreciate giving me advice on how to make my story better, but when it comes to actually talking crap about me and my work, don't you have more important things to do? Enough said. Enjoy the chapter.

Y/n's POV.

I tried my best to use my arms and legs to swim to the gate. Swimming was not a strong ability of mine, so I was risking a lot.

I swam closer to the gate, looking at the extraordinary opening at the bottom of the lake. It's like something I've never seen before. I put my hand through, checking to see if it was safe from me to go inside. But then I felt something grab my hand and pulling me into the opening. I breathed deeply when I felt the air around me. I looked up to see Robin holding my hand, Nancy beside her.

"Y/n, what are you doing?!" Robin spoke.

"He's my brother." I explained, gasping for air. "If something happens to him, I won't hesitate to interfere." I stood up, looking around. "I know this place."

"Of course, you know this place. You live here, only, you live on the other side." Nancy told me.

"Help me." I heard a voice. I looked down to find Eddie crawling out of the gate. I grabbed his hand, hoisting him up onto his feet.

"Great. It's a reunion." Robin smiled sarcastically.

I heard a distant shout. I turned, knowing exactly who the shout was from. "Steve?"

"Let's go." Nancy started to run. I followed after her, desperate to get to my brother.

"Wait. Y/n, take one of these." I looked back and was quick enough to catch the object in the air before it hit me in the face.

"An oar?"

"We might need it?" Eddie shrugged. I sighed, turning back around and following Nancy to where we heard my brother.

There he was, on the ground as these monstrous bats attacked him.

"Oh my god." I felt myself refraining from closing my eyes. "Nancy!" She turned and I threw the oar to her. She caught it, knowing exactly what to do with it.  Nancy was first to attack, hitting the bats with the oar. Robin striked with the flashlight. Eddie had the other oar and I was stuck with using my hands.

Battling the creatures, I took one off of Steve's back and kicked it to the ground. "You... little... piece... of... crap..." I kicked it harder with every word. "You're... ugly... as... hell..." It was dead. But dang, I was taking out a lifetime of anger on a dead bat. "You... look... like... my... dad's... disgusting... armpit..."

"Y/n, look out!"

I felt something push me, my body falling forward, face first onto the ground. And then a sharp pain striking through my entire back, making a pained scream come out of my mouth. I felt the sharp teeth digging into my skin. The amount of pain strikes on my back told me that I didn't have only one bat attacking me. Not two. But three.

Not even a second later I felt the bats being pulled away from me, leaving me breathless on the ground. I used the bit of strength I had and looked to the side. Eddie was hitting the bats with the oar, or what was once an oar and was now just a stick, broken in half.

Nancy pulled me up, she looked at my torn up shirt. Bloodied from the bats' teeth. Everyone was panting, from all the kicking, punching and throwing.

"Does it look bad?" I asked her.

"It looks..." She faltered, not knowing how to answer. "We should get you out of this shirt." She said. "Turn around." She ordered the boys. Steve immediately turned around. "You too." Eddie turned as well. I reached for my white shirt, pulling it over my head, leaving me in my bra. Robin passed me her flannel. I gave her a weak smile, thanking her for her help.

I saw a bat fly over us, and in panic, I yelled for everyone to get down, but the bat didn't land near us. In fact, it landed a good distance away, meeting another group of bats that were clearly threatening us with their screeching.

"All right." Steve spoke. "There's not that many. We can take 'em. Right?" A mere second after he said that, we heard more screeching comeing from the distance. Sounding like an army of hundreds.

"You were saying?" Nancy gulped. She turned around, looking for a solution. "The woods. Come on!" She pulled everyone with her as we followed her into the woods.


We hid under Skull Rock as the bats passed by. When we heard them faltering away, we crawled from under the rock. I held onto Steve to help balance him, but it didn't seem to work as he almost fell over, the only thing keeping him from the ground being the rock.

"Oh shit." He whispered as he felt himself falling over.

"Hold on, Steve." I tried to hoist him up, despite the ache on my back.

"Steve? Jesus." Nancy approached, helping me hoist him up.

"I'm fine. I'm fine."

"No, no, no. You're not. You're losing blood." She said. "Come on. Sit. Sit down.

He grunted, sitting down.

Nancy ripped a piece of her skirt, wrapping it around Steve's torso to apply pressure and keep it from bleeding out.

We decided on going to the Wheeler's house to hunt for weapons. Apparently Nancy owned guns. Who would've thought? Super sweet looking girl disguised as a total bad bitch.

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