The overthinker rooster

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Renee serves everyone and their dinners. She had made pappardelle Al Telefono which was her favorite and well she expected her friends to like it or at least have a nice time.

"Hope you all like it. Anyways pass that bottle of wine." Renee said pointing at bob who seemed to be nervous around her. He was probably scared of her. Once she had the bottle of wine she served everyone and she decided to drink away her first drink and serve herself again.

"This is really nice. How do you know to cook like this? It seems almost Italian." Phoenix said and Renee smiled.

"Every summer me and my brother went to Europe to get with my grandparents since my parents were working but my mother would later join us. Anyways our grandparents often took us to Italy and their summer house there and we learned how to cook from the cookers they had in there." She said remembering such good times that formed her character.

"Tell me more about that," Phoenix insisted.

"About what?" Renee asked. There was so much about her family.

"About Europe and you."

"Oh," she was surprised "I was just born there to make some honor to my French family but I'm still American if you are asking." They all kept eating but Renee seemed to fill the wine drink again until she understood she wasn't probably feeling that nice because well music was missing. She stood up got to her cell phone which was connected and put on her dinner playlist. The playlist started with Can't take my eyes off you by Frankie Valli. "Ohhh I love this song, don't you?" She says and rooster was the only one to answer.

"Didn't expect this from you? "

"It seems as if I keep on surpring you don't I Bradshaw? Anyways tell me something funny." And that's how a nice evening started with them telling stories and jokes around. It was nice and she actually realized these people actually made her feel safe and she smiled she wasn't going to hide ever again, these were her friends.

"So anyways I'm there in front of this little man who seemed like a commander or some shit and when I'm nervous I start laughing and snorting so when he comes to shake my hand I could help but laugh and I shake his hand so strong that the wig the old man was using fell down and I absolutely couldn't be more embarrassed," Renee said actually snorting this time.

"That's cruel even for you Renee." He said jokingly.

"I mean what did you expect from me? I grew up with jake." She said laughing and she realized the wine had made effect.

"So bob let me ask you something we have all wanted to ask you." She turned to bob who had been actually silent except for his laughing around all their jokes. "Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked daringly and bob was surprised and nervous she was the one to ask him.

"No." He answered simply.

"Sorry, let me rephrase it. Have you ever had a girlfriend?" She asked and Phoenix interrupted.

"Oh, come on ree. Bob you don't have to answer that." She said jokingly but suspecting Renee was going far away.

"Oh, come on bob it's okay if you haven't. I mean I'm not lucky either no man wants to get involved with me so yeah that's not wicked I mean the last time-" she was saying but Bradley interrupted her.

"I think that's enough wine for today. We have work tomorrow." He said taking her glass and pulling it aside.

"Oh come on Bradshaw, when have you been this boring? I mean I have had a shitty week haven't you all, I mean?" She asked to the table and they all agreed they had only been two days into work and they had already suffered. "I mean maverick is so amazing flying but it actually makes me feel imbecile and for certain I know I'm everything but an imbecile." She said and Bradley smiled. This was Renee in pure nature. Honest and direct and no filter." By the way what up with you and maverick you seemed like fighting girls for a boy." She said laughing and this time Bradley didn't smile. He was so stupid that even Renee noticed what was happening with maverick.

"Okay time to leave for tomorrow. We'll see you, Renee." Phoenix said taking her things and bob following her out. Soon Bradley was also taking his things out but Renee in her drunk state didn't want him to leave yet.

"Ohh Bradshaw you know I'm kidding. I mean I'm sorry for asking but don't leave, please." She said opening her eyes to which Bradley seem to respond just as she was expecting.

"Okay, I'll stay some more because you are making serial killer eyes." He said and she faked laughed sitting on her sofa. Soon Bradley sat there too next to her.

"Ha ha thank you for making me insecure now." She said covering her eyes with her hands.

"Oh, Renee Blackford, the best pilot in top gun is insecure about her eyes." He mocked her and she laughed. She was being pathetic.

"Well, when you say something like that I'm insecure. Anyways I'm sorry if I touched a nerve over there with maverick I was just trying to be nice and that but it seems now I sound even more bratty than what jake said about me."

"I mean yeah it was awkward but it was okay. I think the most bothered was bob." And Renee groaned knowing she had fucked up. "He was almost shivering once you asked him." He said and she laughed she didn't want bob to be uncomfortable around her.

"Ughhhh I hate myself you know what I'm going with jake to hell." She said closing her eyes and letting her backrest on the sofa. "But don't tell me you didn't wander it anyways. I mean Bob is attractive," Bradley stiffened to the comment, something about it made him feel a hole in his stomach, and yet he didn't know why. "And he certainly is intelligent and is sweet and kind and a good guy, I was just wondering why." She said and rooster looked at her impatiently to know why not to her. He would for her but she wouldn't for him? How did that work?

"And what about you? I mean you are intelligent, beautiful, funny, sweet, honest, and strongminded" This comment made both of their cheeks turn red since they both didn't expect Bradley to go over there. Renee felt like a schoolgirl, she was blushing, she was laughing. Bradley Bradshaw was making her feel what she was supposed to feel in high school.

"The problem is the strong-minded part, men don't respond well to it, and believe me as much as I tried in school I don't go with women so just leaves me with men who are still too back in history and brain development to believe a woman shouldn't have a mind of her own and I'm so sick of it. " She sighed and rooster was looking at her in a way that passion couldn't cover. "I mean that's the main reason I haven't dated anyone seriously, men think I'm not good enough for a life partner and I don't think any of the men I sleep on are good enough to somehow love me with my strengths and weaknesses." By the end of her speech rooster was in total silence and completely focused on her. "Did I ramble too much?" She said covering her eyes with her hands in embarrassment. "Sorry," She said giggling snooping between her fingers on her face over Bradley who was lost for words. Now did Bradley realize what was so magnifying about Renee, she was like a gravitational force and he was a poor old rooster trying to fight it. She was everything, her laugh made his soul smile, her voice made him look around searching for a soothing sound, her smile was like dying and living again. She was his death and life and it was too soon to tell, too little time to tell but rooster knew he couldn't escape her but neither did he.  He wanted her all, he wanted her strong mind, her lips, her smile, her intelligence. He wanted it all but he wondered what about her. What did she want? She seemed to like everything but disliked it too at the time, she was a mystery to him but he knew someone so unique wouldn't set her eyes on rooster. Old rooster that still hated maverick after 14 years, dear rooster that listened to the same music he did in high school, dear rooster that hated Jake Seresin for being too similar to him. Dear rooster that was scared of life, of what would happen. 

He kept on thinking after he was in his truck after he had laughed and taken care of drunk Renee, he asked himself what all could be. And he did really want Renee but how could she ever see him as anything more than a friend?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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