Phoenix and her violin

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As Renee tried to escape Bradley and his propositions on a friendly hangout, she was probably too focused on that that she didn't by the time she was in the air. She, Phoenix, and Bob had been paired as a team and she had never ever felt in complete trust with her team as she did at that moment. She knew Phoenix was loyal and quick and Bob was precise and observative. That meant only good things as they all complimented each other on their weaknesses and strengths. Before maverick was in the game they had planned their strategy out. They would play lost and almost stupid to make him think he had it all done. Once they had him under their story the other plane was bound to shoot him in some way from the side.

"Bob I need you very attentive to him being around. Especially on my sides since I don't have company to handle my sides. I propose you and Phoenix shoot him and I play as the prize. Understood? If you have questions just use vocabulary he won't understand. We need to win the points to be on the mission." She said and they nodded in obedience. Renee had also that effect on people. She was strong-willed and motivational and hard-working and empathetic and that's what made her a great leader. Yeah, she would command but it also seemed she was everywhere trying to get everything to work the best. Phoenix smiled in acknowledgment because her friend had planned the perfect strategy and she was pretty sure they were about to win. How could they not?

Bob was very observative of maverick and any sign of him in their surroundings but after a couple of minutes he turned up exactly beneath them and behind them. It was a pretty difficult position to be in and to win but maverick had achieved the impossible.

"Maverick at 7 beneath us with a gap of 5.16 seconds. What should we do?"  Bob asked urgently and Renee groaned. He was testing their limits and their knowledge and creativeness in strategy and combat.

"Follow the plan. You should fly away as fast as you can and I'll make sure to be slow for him to catch up with me." Yeah, the code talking was done but at least her partners could understand and she would at least have any chance of winning this.

She slowed her pace and made some inconsistent moves to attract Maverick. She knew he loved challenges and flying behind Phoenix and Bob was a challenge but he had to make sure he would eliminate any threat to him. She finally had him behind her and she was trying to move as crazy and shaky as she could but he followed her very every movement.

"Phe how far are you?" She asked in a struggle. The force she had to make for such shaky movement made her body move according to the gravitational force. She was sure she would have lost some weight after this fly.

"I'm coming I just don't want to risk him seeing us. I would have to fly low and got all up in a second to actually have a chance." She said and something popped out of swans mind. If to win she had to make him avoid looking down then she would make him look up that's when she immediately stopped her plane and went down a bit until she was behind maverick like she had planned.

"Phe I'm going up on him so you need to attack fast, alright. When I say swan I'll swirl above him for you to attack and shoot." When she saw maverick wasn't pulling any tricks she decided to flow above him but look at each other.

"SWAN!" she instantly shouted and she swirled and increased her pace to the point she was looking down on maverick. When maverick noticed he was surprised but she smiled and swirled her hands around like a princess which caused maverick to smile but he hadn't forgotten they were playing so he swirled around to avoid any distractions and as he swirled his eyes on the floor he saw Phoenix and bob's plane coming. Good plan he thought but he immediately swirled down and shot them down and soon enough he had shot swan too. They had been too close by two seconds they would have been the winners. On the way back to the base she started singing around just trying to pass the time on the flight back home.

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