The finest of the best

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On the first day, everyone gets nervous in their first days. We are scared of failing, of being disliked, or totally hated. But none of these were Renee's usual concerns she was more worried about change and aging. Yeah, she was at the top being the best, but what came with being the best and aging? Melancholy and the desire to be excellent once again. She imagined Michael Schumacher after being a world champion so many times and partly seeing his son complete his career knowing the glory he will have but knowing very well he won't experience that glory once again. So even though Renee was young she was still missing her math club success where she won multiple awards or whatever but she again realized in some years she would look back and desire to live back in this moment.

So when she enters the group room, she is not nervous. She's just kind of scared of not living up to it. She was the first to walk in, it looked like it would go some time by until someone finally came in. And that just happened when one of the old guys like if he was the instructor came in.

"First-day nerves?" Asked the man arranging different seats around the room.

"All the contrary Sir, the desire to get until the last drop out of it." She said and he looked at her with strange eyes it must have come out as ass-kissing but it was her personality. Renee was to be liked by her superiors but hated by her equals. She kept thinking about what would have happened if she hadn't chosen to be here, to be something different. To compel her dad's calls and go back home instead of doing the craziest thing. She just wondered sitting there in the early hours of the morning until she heard someone else coming. Her walking nightmare sat right in the opposite chair to her.

"Looks like someone is eager to get advanatage. I believe you are waiting to get to my weaknesses  and work harder than me on them but bad news to you "Rana" I happen to have not a weakness." Bagman said. He called Renee "Rana" for something as the snitch in Spanish but as a frog but as they are similar animals and "Rana" was closer to her name he changed it to her nickname to be offensive.

"Of course, I'm actually up to doing some stalking around your house this morning before I came in. I was back at the trash and guess what I found... ?" She raised her eyebrows to appear gentle but it was all the opposite bagman was waiting for her to continue with a disbelieving face. "I found some adult diapers. Don't worry jake that for that I'm already winning you can't have a mission leader having problems down there." She said innocently but he knew for it to be the opposite, she was ending him. "Now get out of my sight before I have to call your mom because you are wetting the bed." She said and turned around. It seemed as if Phoenix had just heard the whole thing and was chuckling. By her side, the stranger from last night watching confused as bagman and the beautiful girl threw at each other strangling looks.

"Looks like you have domesticated the wild beast of bagman's ego." She said sitting by her side leaving the stranger sitting behind them, hearing the whole conversation.

"Well, little Nat I can show a completely different wild beast of me if you want. " He said winking at Phoenix and Swan had just vomited in her mouth as seeing hangman trying to flirt with Natasha. Bradley had heard her whisper something between fucking pathetic little dick, I fucking hate him.

Well, Renee didn't totally hate Jake. He was just annoying as fuck but they grew together and he was kind of her brother, he had made her better by making her compete, he had made her better by bullying her until she became strong, he made her wild enough to escape from her family's sight for some crazy passion. All to him but she would never tell him that.

More people came in and that's how Bradley lost himself far away from Renee, the unknown beautiful girl. He knew he could never achieve something there she was too different from him, he was soft and nice and hard working but insecure and she seemed charismatic but strong a bit kind of mean and hot headed. He would be the experiment guy the one you told your children about. Yeah he had a lot to deal with and that left so little time for a girlfriend but he was disposed to be her friend.

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