"You can't let him keep influencing you like this!" Meme said.

His words were cut off when a child's scream was heard.


The countdown.

It's too late.

I pressed the button on the back of my oxygen pack, and grabbed the helmet strapped to the top of it, throwing it over my head. Blaza did the same.



The ship was deathly silent.

Laff had gotten to O2, and out in the code in time. But Laff knew from the scream he heard that Nadwe had not made it.

Nor would he make it back home.

Tbh, still in MedBay, was trying to hold his breath as he panicked, attempting to grab his helmet from his oxygen pack. He was starting to feel lightheaded, and darkness swam at the corners of his vision.

His struggle was in vain.

Tbh blacked out before he could grab the helmet, his lungs robbed of the oxygen needed to live.

Blaza, not knowing what else to do, followed Meme down to the closed Cafeteria doors.

When they opened, Meme nearly broke out in tears.

Nadwe lay on the ground, his face a bloody hole and his neck twisted an crushed.

And near the center of the room stood Socks, his expression stoic.

Blaza stared at the impostor, fear in his gaze as his PTSD kicked in. He could almost feel Sock's cold blade pressed against his neck, blood slowly leaking from the wound. Blaza rubbed the spot, feeling the tender skin that had grown over the open wound.

Socks chuckled. "Well done, imbecile. You've brought your little friend. Perfect. I was planning on killing him myself, but why not you?"

He grabbed a knife from his pocket and tossed it at the crewmate. Blaza caught it, and stared at the silver blade. Socks extended a tentacle and pinned Meme to the wall. The doctor yelped in surprise.

Blaza looked down at the small weapon in his hands, then up at his trapped friend. Meme looked down at him, his gaze fearful.

Socks walked closer, and Blaza could feel his warm breath on the side of his face as he whispered in his ear.

"If you won't do it... remember. I could crush his bones right here and now."

Blaza gripped the knife in his hand. He looked back at Meme.

He looked at Socks.


Socks raised an eyebrow. "No?"

"I am not murdering anyone else for your sick purposes," Blaza growled (A/N: I know he sounded British there don't question it).

"Oh really?" Socks said.

Blaza looked at the impostor. "Yes, really. And if you're gonna try and kill me..."

He took a deep breath.

"You're going down with me."

Socks chuckled, sounding like some demon from hell.

"I highly doubt that."

But Blaza was obviously not planning on attacking Socks. He knew that was a battle he would lose fairly quickly.

What he was planning had something to do with Laff, who had been quietly walking up behind the captain.

At Blaza's signal (a slight nod), Laff lunged for the Impostor, pulling him back by the neck. Socks screeched in surprise, and angrily thrashed in the British man's grip.

But in his surprise, he had dropped Meme, who immediately rushed forward to grab his arms. Blaza ran for the airlock and opened the door as the two threw Socks into the small room. Blaza sealed the door as Socks attempted to escape.

Inside the airlock, Socks was panicking. His anger was strong, but this room...

It made him remember those awful, torturous moments of his past.

His angry screeching turned to fear as he pounded and clawed at the metal door leading back into the ship. Random words punctuated the sounds - random curses and coughs as Socks attempted to escape.

Blaza pressed the button to open the back of the airlock.

Sock's screeching was cut off as the possessed former captain was sucked into the endless vacuum of space.


Blaza let out a sigh of relief he didn't know he was holding. He let off the button that closed the airlock and just sat on the ground, breathing heavily.

He... was gone.

No more torture. No more death.

"So... what now?" Laff said. Meme and I shrugged.

"I have to go check on Tbh," Meme said, "I hope he got his helmet on in time.

"I'll go with you," Blaza said.

"I'm gonna try and get the Oxygen back up," Laff said, "Maybe I can fix it."

As we went out separate ways, however, we were stopped in our tracks.

By a thumping sound. Coming from the airlock.


You really thought it would end there?

NOPE! sike XD

1283 words

True Identity // A Socksfor1 Horror AUWhere stories live. Discover now