Chapter 2

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Things were blurry, laughter could be heard, colors swirled and slowly settled to reveal a younger Ford sitting in front of a blond male wearing a yellow shirt, black pants, and a black triangle eye patch on his left eye, they sat there just talking and chuckling about stupid things. Ford smiled and looked at Bill "this is what I meant when I said I missed you" Ford said, Bill tilted his head in confusion "what are you talking about Poindexter?" This confirmed it was just a dream "nevermind, let's take a walk"

Everything shifted suddenly they were in the woods walking down a trail, holding hands "you know Fordsy I enjoy this" Bill smiled looking at Ford, Ford blushed a little and smiled back "me too"

"Sixer~" a voice far in the distance whispered, gaining Ford's attention

"What was that?" Ford asked the Bill next to him shrugged "I'm sure it was nothing" they continued walking until

"Fordsy~" the voice whispered again, everything glitched and turned grey for a second

"What is going on?" Ford asked

"Poindexter~" it whispered again everything glitched more

"Wh-whos there?" Ford asked

"Stanford~" it whispered

Laughter suddenly filled the air, Ford looked around for the source then looked at Bill who was smiling creepily and his eye glowing bright

"Wake up!" Bill yelled

Ford shot up panting heavily, sweat covering his body, looking around frantically, he was alone "just a nightmare" he reassured himself and slowly got up and made his way to the bathroom, he took a quick shower then got ready to head out. He walked through the woods, on his usual path, making his way to Bill's statue, at first he didn't notice it, not until he got closer. "It's cracked" a perfect split right down the middle, Ford quickly got out a journal, journal 4 to be exact, he had filled the journal 3 long ago so he made another one. He quickly sketched Bill's statue out, wrote the date and some notes. "If it gets worse then it'll confirm my suspicion, he might return"

Weeks passed, more nightmares occurred, more cracks appeared on the statue, the more paranoid Ford got until one day. The statue vanished.

That night Ford couldn't sleep he paced his room, wondering if he should call Dipper for back up but he didn't want to interrupt his college work. "No I can handle Bill on my own I have before"

A few days later Ford finally was able to sleep but when he did everything in his dream was grey "the mindscape" Ford looked around and prepared himself for Bill to show up at any second then he seen it, a glitching triangle trying to form

A few days later Ford finally was able to sleep but when he did everything in his dream was grey "the mindscape" Ford looked around and prepared himself for Bill to show up at any second then he seen it, a glitching triangle trying to form

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"F-Fordsy?" Bill sounded broken, weak, not like himself at all

Ford was caught of guard "Bill?" He almost sounded concerned then his face hardened "what are you doing here Bill you're supposed to be dead! Get out of here!"

"Stanford p-please I'm sorry!" Bill reached for Ford looking desperate

"No Bill I won't ever fall for your trickery again!" Ford glared at Bill

"This i-isn't a trick sixer, help me!" Bill glitched a couple times before disappearing

Ford looked around confused, it didn't make any sense, Bill was giving him nightmares and now he wanted help? What was going on?

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