Chapter 1

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Ford walked through the forest as he's done countless times, making his way to Bill's statue. Many things have changed in the last 10 years since Bill's been gone, Stan died, the twins now 23 are going to college, and Soos and his wife moved out to raise their baby leaving Ford alone. He's been alone before but something has been nagging at him a deep emptiness he didn't know what to fill with. This was the only thing that felt like it was close to what he needed.

He sighed softly as he sat in front of Bill's statue "I know this is silly, you probably can't even hear me but... I dunno... I... Enjoy coming here... Remember when we used to play chess and drink tea, of course you always won you probably knew my next move before I did..." He chuckled softly then frowned "I really... I really miss those days... I thought you were my friend, you showed me so many things we did so many things" he blushed a little "I trusted you... I was so blind but... I miss it... I... I miss you... Not when you took over of course but the way you showed me answers to my question, the way you looked at me when I figured something out on my own the way you inspired me... The way you made me feel... Special..." He looked at the ground "was it really all a lie? Did you just use everything against me? There were moments when I truly felt you cared, just the way you looked at me" he sighed and pushed away his feelings and looked back at Bill "you know I never got involved with anyone else, but I guess being stuck in a portal and getting old will do that to you. I never got the chance to explore a part of myself, only with you and perhaps that really messed with me... As much as I wish I could say I don't I can't help what I feel... I hate that I miss you" He stood up and thought for a moment

"If you promised not to take over, or even try maybe I would want you to come back but I can't trust you... I wish I could" he gently touched Bill's hand and felt a shock of electricity run through his body, he looked at his hand shocked for a second before shaking his head and thinking he just imagined it, he looked back at Bill and smiled softly "I'll see you later you insane triangle"

With that he slowly made his way back to the shack, only looking back a few times. Once back at the shack Ford tried to distract himself with a couple different projects luckily he got really into working on one and ended up falling asleep resting his head against an examination table.

His dream swearled at first he was just walking in the woods then everything seemed to glitch and turn grey for a split second, he figured he was just having a weird dream. This happened for many nights but one particular night was very very different from the rest.

(I'm sorry for the short chapter)

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