Sunday in a hospital

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Felix got up faster than everyone and told the doctor he is Jeongin's closest relative.

-Alright. Follow me!

-Wait! Jisung opened his mouth. He is blind. He needs me to help him. Can I come too?

-Sure, the nurse smiled.

Felix clung to Jisung's arm and walked in the same pace, paying attention to the sound of Jisung's slippery shoes on the hospital floor.

-How is he? Jisung asked afraid of the answer.

-He hasn't woken up yet. He suffered a contusion and some glass from the windshield cut his skin, but his organs are intact and there is no sign of broken ribs or serious injuries. We just have to wait for him to wake up and keep him under supervision for a week.

-Thank you! Jisung replied visibly demoralised.

-Here, the nurse opened the door for them.

Jeongin was laying on the bed, stiches on his cheek and arms.

He seemed peacefully in Jisung's eyes, but Felix was so tensed. He asked Jisung to get him close to the bed.

The freckled boy started touching the sheets until he found Jeongin's hand. He took it in his hands and started sobbing.

-I'm sorry! I came to fix it and you ended up being hurt again. I did nothing. I am useless. It's all my fault for your fates.

-Is not your fault, Felix! Jisung patted the boy on the back.

-I couldn't have stopped it if I knew. If I worked harder. If I-

-You couldn't, Jisung cut him off. Sometimes we can't avoid this kind of things. Let's be grateful there wasn't something much worse. He is fine and he will wake up. Eventually.

Felix nodded and buried his face in Jisung's chest.

When he returned, Minho found Changbin and Hyunjin on the hall.

-Where are the others?

-At Jeongin, Changbin replied.

-They found him?

-Yes. But we have no idea how is he. We have to wait until they return.

Minho nodded.

He stayed a minute to think about it, then suddenly an idea stroke him.

-You two are gonna help me.

Hyunjin and Changbin looked at each other, knowing Minho's ideas were not the safest thing to follow.

That's how Hyunjin found himself in Seungmin's hospital room, stealing some samples of blood from the bag left on the table.

Seungmin was asleep, so he didn't notice Hyunjin sneaking in, dressed up as a nurse with his mask on. He just needed a few drips of blood for the DNA test.

And the bag for the analysis was right there.

Suddenly the door opened and Hyunjin absolutely froze.

-Excuse me! Who are you?

-I am here to take the blood to the laboratory. Yeah...

-Very well! Go! the nurse made way for Hyunjin to exit the room.

-Actually, you might need to take more blood. Just to make sure the meds are working, he said before running to the other two idiots.

-I said a few drips. Not a bag of blood! Minho yelled in his face.

-I got caught! Minho sighed before hiding the bag in his backpack.

-Guys! Jisung came to them, still holding Felix's hand.

Minho looked at Changbin and pointed to Jisung with his eyes.

While Minho was talking with Jisung about Jeongin's state, Changbin ripped a hair off Jisung's head.

-What the? Jisung turned around at Changbin.

-My bracelet got stuck in it without realising and I pulled it. Sorry! he awkwardly smiled.

Hyunjin stayed with Jisung and Felix while Minho and Changbin went to the laboratory and payed one of the doctors to do the DNA test. They were told they will get the results in a week.

After hours of waiting for Jeongin to wake up, they all fell asleep on the bench on the hall.

Minho opened his eyes because of a discomfort.

He felt a weight on his shoulder, but when he turned his head to see what was it, he spotted Jisung sleeping on him.

His heart shattered at the view. He leaned slowly his head next to Jisung's and closed his eyes with a smile on his face.

God, how he wished that was at daily basis. Waking up next to Jisung and not in the hospital.

Hyunjin woke up to go to the bathroom and noticed the lights on in Seungmin's room.

He opened the door and scanned the room for that nurse again.

-What are you doing? Seungmin raised an eyebrow.

-Checking the room, Hyunjin replied.


-For mosquitoes. You don't need more blood sucked out of you, Hyunjin laughed before realising the irony of his joke.

He couched in awkwardness, then sat down on the chair.

-How are you?


-Are you mad at me?

-No. You didn't know.

-I'm really sorry!

Seungmin noticed the guilt plastered all over Hyunjin's face, so he took his hand in his owns.

Hyunjin got startled by the sudden gesture and looked with big scary eyes at the younger.

-I'm not mad at you, alright? Get that inside your head, Seungmin pointed to Hyunjin's forehead.

-Thank you for the date, Seungmin! I won't bother you anymore.

-Are you that dumb?

Hyunjin looked confused at Seungmin.

-What? Why?

-Do you really think I will watch you date other people after what you've done to me?

-What I did to you... what?

Seungmin rolled his eyes and grabbed Hyunjin by the collar, pulling him closer and closer until their lips touched again.

-Here! Now you get it?

Hyunjin was left speechless. He was blinking and staring at Seungmin, his brain still trying to comprehend whether that was a dream or not.

-I like you, Hyunjin! Do you wanna be my boyfriend?

-Really? Hyunjin got up in excitement.

-Yes. Really.

Hyunjin started jumping around the room, his face being all red. Seungmin had to sush him before waking up the other patients.

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