chapter 3: dread

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no pov:

cheesy was coughing  up some flowers hoping there wouldnt be any thorns and he stops when he hears a knock on the door so he tries to stop but just coughs louder.

trophy kocked louder

"w-wait i minuet!"  cheesy raspily semishouted as he finishes and goes up to the door and wipe the blood off his chin.

"oh uh- hey trophy! what did you need?" cheesy asks trophy while swetting hoping he wouldnt notice the flowers in the back. "hey who'd you get the flowers for~" as he crosses his arms.  "well i didint expect you to come here knowing your a prick so i was uhm.. thinking of puns! yeaa puns" 


he started laughing but then coughed up a few petals and trophy said "why do you eat flowers?"  "uhh hehe i-idk  i was trying to bake something. with flour

*knee slap*

"dude im being serious what the fuck happened"  "..."   "..cheesy."  "i dont wanna talk about it.."  "were friends arent we? i promise i wont tell a soul."   "i have hanahaki but im not telling who i like."   "you should tell them before.. its too late."

"..maybe later."

"okay."  "well, cheesy if you need anything at all ill be here for you"  "thank you trophy.."   a few moments of akward silence filled the air. "i love you.."   cheesy wispers quietly hoping trophy didint hear it

"huh?"  "i love youuuu-r'e mom- yea your mom"  "oh-  well ok.. bye cheesy feel better" trophy muttered as he walked out of cheesys room. cheesy just waved slighly blushing and as trophy walked out of his room he just went to his bed and started crying into his pillow and eventually fell asleep with dried tears on his cheeks.

heyyy its quinn! this chapter was really really fun to write and plan what will happen because my girlfriend helped me!   i know your readin this em. ily<3   and for my other friends if yall read this ily but platonically!:)

&quot;well, this was unexpected.&quot;  tropheesy/comedy gold hanahaki auWhere stories live. Discover now