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I felt the wind rushing past my hair. It was refreshing. I felt so light and relived. It was as if the whole world has stopped moving. I was ready to end everything. Smiling while I was falling. I felt happy for once.

It was soo long that I really felt happy and this moment was one of it.....

Tho I really wished I was falling but you know what? I felt something around my leg and right as it had me in it's grip, I was dangeling around and hit the wall from the building.

Me: Oh come on!

Just one look up and I could see something that looked like a white scarf. There was only one thing that could look like this. There was really just one iteem and one hero that went out of his place to safe people that jump in the middle of the night.

The answer was:


He was the only hero I ever respected and also the only hero that was really a true hero. I knew Stain and his ideology and eventho I disagreed with it most of the time, I did think there were fals heroes as well as true ones. Just looking at Endeavor made it all so clear to me. That man was a huge fake. He was way worse at the beginning than now but he was still way to reckless for a hero. The collateral damage he leaves behind was devasted, not to mention what he did with his family.

On the other hand Eraserhead was always saving people in need. He might just be an undergound hero but he was also well known in the underworld. For some reason everyone had respect for him and I could totally understand it. This man was trying his best to safe innocent lives that got bullied but I was certainly not such a life at all.

Looking back up, I could see a man looking like a hobo leaning over the railing of the building for support. His quirk was activated and his eyes were shining in a bright bloody red color, his hair was also floating up.





Just Great! 


I pulled myself up a little bit and began to struggle. I tried to get the scarf undone.


He must have not seen my face or who I was because he just called me kid. Besides that I was pretty sure he wouldn't have called me that if he had seen who I was. I mean I did attack his class at the USJ incident with the LOV or part of them.








The hero managed to pull me up a little bit.

If I get it loose now, I could still die... Worth a shot!

I began to untie the damn scarf around my ankle once again. It wasn't an easy task but I somehow managed to do it while I was in arms reach for him to grab me. The hobo tried to grab my hand, which I used to unwrap the end of the scarf. Keyword Tried!

Hero: NO!

I was falling again only this time the whole scarf was wrapped against my body. There was no way I could move or escape from this one.

How much must life hate someone to not let the person die eventho they deserve it?

Like come on!

There is no other villain more deserving to die than me!




Okay maybe there is.... but still!

The man pulled me up only to look at me.

Me: What's up Hobbo!

I knew my remark was dumb but I really hoped he would just let go of me. However he just sighed before he started dragging me a good distance away from the edge. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I wanted to laugh at myself, but I couldn't do it too.

This is stupid!

I am stupid!

Can't even kill myself without bothering a hero. 

Ohh what a failure I am!

3 years without being caught as a villain and a hero saves me when I try to die...


I really had a good laugh at this.

I am so really fucking useless!

I was currently laying on the ground, looking up at the sky. The hero didn't move he was watching me and he didn't let his scarf loose.

Can't blame him. 

I tried to jump and he saved me and then I tried to get free and fall and he saves me again.

Besides he knows who I am... a freaking vanted deadly high ranked villain.

Tears began forming in my eyes.

I can't do anything right! I couldn't stop myself from killing my mother! I couldn't stop myself from thinking about all the lives! I couldn't stay with the LOV nor was I good enough for a normal life! NOW I CAN'T EVEN KILL MYSELF?! THIS IS GETTING REDICULOUS! I CAN'T DO ANYTHING! CAN'T EVEN BE A VILLAIN RIGHT!!!

I was still looking up and saw that the hero was now standing near me looking right down at me.

Damn it!

Now he is mocking me too!


I knew it!

My life is pathetic....

All I could manage to do was look at him, his quirk still activated and give him a small weak teary smile. I didn't had the energy to hold back the tears anymore! I was feeling disappointed at myself. They were slowly falling down my cheek. Simply put, I was an emotional wrack.

Me: Couldn't you just let me go and die? Oh and I am quirkless so your quirk is useless and it will only give you a headache and dry eyes. So you can stop with it.

The hero raised an eyebrow at me. He now also deactivated his quirk. The scarf however, was still on me and he didn't make any moves to remove it soon.

I face palmed myself mentally for being stuck in such a situation.

Me: Soo.... 

I looked at the hero and tried to read his emotions but failed at it too. He had a perfect poker face.

Eraserhead: Why is a villain like you, trying to jump, Usagi?

Me: Reasons and don't tell me I don't deserve it!

I am a villain, Can I die?! (Suicidal Villain Deku)Where stories live. Discover now