"Like this." said Ramona, raising her leg up more.

"There you go!" said Nora, cheering for Ramona. "You see that? Now you're getting the hang of it!"

"Hey, what's this movement called anyways?" said Ramona, questioning her.

"It's called the hand and leg movement." said Nora, as she explains to Ramona. "But, since Coach Abby got this while playing in France, it's a fancy french for applaudir le singe."

"Really?" said Ramona, who was amazed.

"Yup," said Nora.

"I don't believe you." said Ramona, as she wasn't buying it.

"Well, believe it or not." said Nora, as she raised her hands up before crossing them. "But, if Coach Abby yells at you for not doing this drill, don't come crying to me."

"You wouldn't dare tell her, would you?" said Ramona, asking her. 

"No, of course not. But, I will if you don't do them." said Nora

Ramona thinks for a moment.

"Fine, I'll do them." said Ramona, as she gives up before doing the drill, before finally giving in.

Ramona starts doing the drill, while Nora starts to set up some practice cones on how far Ramona should go.

What Ramona doesn't know is that the new drill is just a trick that Nora made for her.

Once Nora is done settling up the cones, she then heads to the foul line, in which Maire, Clara, Sabrina, and Hadley walk towards Nora.

"Hey, what is Ramona doing?" said Clara, questioning Nora, who walks to the nearest water fountain, that was a foot away from the baseball field.

"Guess." said Nora, as she smirks, before leaning on the water fountain.

"Revenge." said Clara, reading Nora's face.

"Oh no, Nora you didn't." said Maire

"Yeah, I did." said Nora, as takes a sip of water, before looking back at them. "The poor sucker had it coming. So I thought why not make her look like a fool in front of everyone."

"What kind of drill did you tell her to do," said Hadley, questioning her.

"The famous applaudir le singe." said Nora, as she laughed silently. "Which stands for Clap Monkey."

"Seriously." said Sabrina, who couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, I tricked Ramona into doing a drill that Coach Abby told them about." said Nora

"But, Coach Abby never told us about a new drill." said Clara

"Exactly. It's a fake. I made it up." said Nora, as she admits.

"Oh no Nora, you didn't." said Maire, Clara, Sabrina, and Hadley, all at once.

"I did." said Nora, admitting it again.

"Nora, Ramona is going to be so mad at you." said Hadley

"Let her, I don't care." said Nora, as she and the girls head back to the baseball field.

Just before Coach Abby was about to start conditioning while walking in between Christen and Coach Mica, the three of them watch Ramona during the Clap Monkey drill, and are confused after questioning her of what she was doing.

Christen then walks over to Nora, Maire, Clara, Sabrina, and Hadley.

"Girls, do you know about what's going on?" said Christen, as she questions them while trying hard not to chuckle. "Why is Ramona doing that?"

Without thinking it twice, Maire, Clara, Sabrina, and Hadley, pointe at Nora giving a hint to Christen that she was the one that came up with the joke, in which Christen gasps before she could tell Coach Abby and Coach Mica (who already admit Ramona that the drill that she is doing isn't part of their condition drills and that she didn't play in France).

An embarrassed Ramona blushes, as the team giggles at her. Ramona then glares at Nora who sticks out her tongue at her.

Coach Abby and Coach Mica start practice conditioning, as Christen and Maire stay on the foul line of the baseball field.

"I can't believe I'm stuck here babysitting you." said Christen teasing Maire.

"And I can't believe you've been practically saying that for the tenth time." said Maire, as looks at her. "You do realize that you don't have to watch me, I'm not a little kid you know."

"Yeah, you're not little. But I did promised your brother that I was going to take care of you." said Christen

"Yeah, but that was only for the trip to Portland." said Maire, admitting to her. "He'll understand when you're busy."

"I know but I want to be a good role model." said Christen

"More like a publicity model," said Maire, mumbling.

After the first part of practice, the girls next exercise is "Pass The Hula Hoop". Since Alaia, Clara, and Nora were the tallest players on the team, they had trouble passing through the Hula Hoop, much to everyone's laughter.

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