Chapter 11

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As the six of them arrive at the Portland Thorns' training field they are then shown around the area by Kling, and later greeted by Becky after.

"So, how have you guys been?" said Becky, as she smiled at them.

"Good." said the six of them, as they smiled at her.

"That's great to hear." said Becky, as she tells them.

"Yeah, I'm sure the others would like to see you guys." said Becky, as she walked a few steps away from them. "Well then, come on, let's head to the locker room."

A few minutes later, while walking in the hallway and outside of the locker room door, the girls looked at both Three and Jace.

"You guys stay here, in the hallway." said Maire, as she tells them. "Because, either way the locker room is for girls only."

"Yeah." said Nora, as she stands in front of them, while teasing them. "No boys allowed! Not even you Timothy!"

"Timothy?" said Becky, Christen, and Kling, with a confused look on their faces.

"Who's Timothy?" said Christen, as she questions Maire.

"Why, Shaggy of course!" said Nora, as she grins at Becky, Christen, and Kling, before winking at Maire, Clara, and Jace. "Isn't that right, Velma, Daphine, and Fred."

"Whatever you say, Scrappy." said Clara, sarcastically.

"Wait, I'm confused who's Timothy, Shaggy, Velma, Daphine, and Fred?" said Christen, as she questions Maire and Clara. "And Scrappy?"

"It's a long story, we'll tell you later." said Clara, as she tells Christen.

"Yeah, sure, okay." said Christen, as she and the other girls walked into the locker room, while Three and Jace waited outside in the hallway.

While entering the locker room, Maire, Clara, Nora, and Christen, along with Becky and Kling, are greeted by Tobin, Emily, Allie, and Crystal.

"What are you girls doing here?" said Emily, as she questions Maire, Clara, Nora, and Christen. 

Kling looks at Emily.

"Uh, me and Becky, are obviously to play along with you girls." said Kling, as she jokes. "I mean we are teammates."

"Not you." said Emily, as she looked at Kling, before looking back at the four girls.

"Yeah, you girls didn't tell us that you were coming for a visit." said Crystal, before she started to question them. "Well, Becky did tell us about Christen's trip over here, but not the three of you."

"Yeah, well anyways, how have you girls been?" said Allie, as she decided to change the subject, while asking the girls. "It's been forever."

As Clara, Nora, and Christen, were talking to Emily, Allie, Becky, Kling, and Crystal, Tobin looks at Maire, while looking at her in her wheelchair. Maire, who notices that Tobin was looking at her, looks back at Tobin. Neither of the two girls knew what to say, both of them were speechless.

Just then, Kling, who notices that the two were looking at each other, stands in between them.

"Uh, are you two going to say something?" said Kling, as she looks at Tobin and later at Maire. "Or are you going to read each other's mind telepathically?"

After getting no response from neither one of them, an annoyed Kling sighs.

"Come on, you two! You have to break the ice either way!" said Kling, as she tells them.

"Come on, you." said Emily, before dragging Kling towards the others. "There's something that I have to tell you, and it's about them two."

"Like?" said Kling, as she asked Emily.

Goal!: The Fourth Chapter!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang