Chapter 21

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Outside of Clara and Nora's room, Becky was talking to Kling on the phone, she then waved at both Maire and Tobin in the hallway.

While both Maire and Tobin entered Clara and Nora's hotel room, Clara, Jace, Nora, and Three, had finished clearing the misunderstanding that Nora caused. Clara then looks at both Maire and Tobin, and walks towards them.

"There you girls are." said Clara, before she started to question them. "Where were you two?"

"Yeah, where did you girls go?" said Nora, as she ran up to the three of them, which made them flinch. "Why the long face?"

Maire then groans, Tobin looks at Nora.

"It's a long story." said Tobin, as she sighs.

"I'm all ears!" said Nora, as she started to tease them, as she grins at them.

Clara rolled her eyes, annoyed.

"Well?" said Nora, as she was still waiting for an answer from the two of them. "I'm waiting."

"For?" said both Maire and Tobin, as they raised an eyebrow at Nora.

"This." said Clara, as she had enough of Nora, and started to drag her along towards the others by her ear.

"Ow! Hey?!-" said Nora, before she was cut off by Christen.

"Thanks girls, but I'll take it from here." said Christen, as she walked up to both Tobin and Maire. "No, but seriously girls, where were you?

"We were talking in my room." said Tobin, as she admits to Christen.

Christen later turns to Maire and notices that she was still embarrassed, due to not wanting to face Jace or even talk to him.

"Alright, I believe you girls." said Christen, as she sighs with a smile. "Sorry, it's been a long day."

"You said it Press." said Becky, as she rubs her two hands together, while entering the room. "And speaking of long days, I think it's time for us to go, isn't that right girls?"

Becky and the others turned to Emily, Lindsey, Lynn, Allie, Kelley, and Lynn. Both Emily and Lindsey were sitting in between Lynn, and were each leaning on both of her shoulders while falling asleep.

"So, are you girls coming?" said Becky, as she asked Tobin.

"Thanks, but I think it's best for me to stay here for the night." said Tobin, as she tells Becky.

"Yeah, same here." said both Allie and Lynn, as they agree with Tobin.

"Okay, well come on you two, we better get back." said Becky, as she grabs both Emily and Lindsey from their arms. "Come on, Emily, come on Lindsey."

"I don't wanna." said Lindsey, as she and Emily were half asleep already.

"Yeah, 5 more minutes." said Emily, as she also whines as well.

"Come on, girls." said Becky, as she backed away from the two of them.

Tobin then signals Lynn to get up from the seat, in which she does, causing both Emily and Lindsey bumping their heads together.

"Ow!" said Emily, as she and Lindsey managed to wake up.

"We're up." said Lindsey, as she rubs her head while mumbling, as she and Emily stood up from their seats, making the girls chuckle.

"See you girls tomorrow." said Becky, as she, Emily, and Lindsey waved them off.

"I'll follow you girls out." said Tobin, as Lynn, and Allie, left guiding Becky, Emily, and Lindsey out.

Goal!: The Fourth Chapter!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora