Chapter 39

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The next day...

Since the sprinklers are on, on the soccer field, the girls are on the basketball courts along with Coach Abby, Coach Mica, and Christen.

"It's so sad of how we can't practice in the soccer field." said Brooklyn

"Well look on the bright side, at least we aren't practicing on it like Coach Sloan will force us to." said Nyla, as she crosses her arms.

"True," said Brooklyn, as she walked alongside Nyla.

"Okay girls, four laps around the Basketball courts! And then stretches!" said Coach Abby, as she gathered the girls around the basketball court's sidelines.


Coach Abby blew her whistle.

Meanwhile, while the girls are stretching Coach Abby looks at Coach Mica, Christen, and Maire, as the four of them are close to the Basketball benches.

"Keep your eyes on girls. I got pranked." said Coach Abby

"Huh?" said Christen, who was surprised.

"When?" said Coach Mica

"Yesterday." said Coach Abby

"Did you know who did it?" said Coach Mica

"Nope." said Coach Abby

"I'll bet it was Nora," said Christen, as she admits to Coach Abby. "In this team she's known as The Princess of Pranks."

"Like Kelley?" said Coach Abby

"Worse than Kelley." said Christen, as she turns to Coach Mica and later back at Coach Abby.

"Hm, then I guess it was her then," said Coach Abby, as she started to suspect that it was Nora that pranked her. "I guess she's getting revenge on me for stopping her fights with Ramona."

"Pardon me Coach Abby, but Nora wouldn't prank a coach. Especially you." said Maire, as she continued. "She'll just prank her teammates instead, but not the coaches."

"I agree with Maire." said Coach Mica, as she admits. "Nora wouldn't be capable of pranking her, and myself since she respects us."

"Ha." said Christen, sarcastically. "I wish I had a quarter for everytime I heard that one."

"Here, you can have mine." said Coach Mica, as she takes out a quarter from her small purse.

"I was just kidding." said Christen

"Listen, Christen. Nora may be a brute sometimes, but that still doesn't mean that she's the one that pranked us." said Coach Mica

"Yeah, she's innocent." said Maire

"Oh yeah, prove it." said Chisten

"Nora was with Clara in the game along with other of my teammates." said Maire, as she tells them. "If you ask Clara she'll tell you the same thing, and she'll show you the pictures and videos that they took while playing foosball."

"Huh, so I guess you can prove it." said Christen, crossing her arms in defeat.

"Yeah, but I'm still going to have a talk with Nora if she continues to prank me." said Coach Abby

After their stretches, the girls do some drills along with Coach Abby and Christen. During their water break, a water balloon is thrown to Coach Abby and Christen.

"NORA!!!" yelled Christen, in frustration while turning to her.

Both Coach Abby, and Christen glare at Nora, in which the rest of the girls including Maire pointed at Kelley who was standing a couple of feet away from them.

"What? The? KELLEY!!!" said Christen, while yelling at Kelley.

"Kelley, you are going to pay for that!" said Coach Abby, to Kelley.

Kelley squeals before being chased by Coach Abby and Christen, before laughing.

The girls bursted out of laughter, as they saw that Kelley was being chased around the basketball courts by both Coach Abby and Christen.

The chase finally stopped after both Coach Abby and Christen tackled Kelley to the floor.

"And down goes squirrel girl!" said Nora, as she joked.

"Yeah, only because Christen tricked her into making her run back to Coach Abby." said Gia, in between laughs. "Poor Kelley."

Moments later...

The team's exercise is the "Human Knot", while doing their team exercise, Kelley decides to get in on the fun, by also part of the team's bonding exercise.

"No, no, uh Brynn? Brynn! You're supposed to go over, not under!" said Kelley, as she started giving directions to Brynn.

"Alaia put your arms down! Maya can't reach!" said Coach Abby, to Alaia.

"But coach, if I do that we're going to have trouble untangling ourselves after." said Alaia

"Don't worry, Alaia. According to my calculations it'll be fine, we're going to untangle this human knot in no time." said Christen, proudly. "So always trust your coach, take this from a Stanford Graduate."

"Whatever you say." said Alaia, as she does what she's told.

Moments later...

All of the girls tangled themselves, while others started to tangle themselves even more.

The girls fail their team exercise bond, while some of the girls start to stumble on one another before falling down on one another.

"Oof..." said Gia, as she is struggling to get off.

"So much for listening to our coach." said Maya, letting go of Gia's hand.

"Take this from a Stanford Graduate." said Nora, as she mimics Christen's voice. "Man, Christen's calculations were wrong."

"Indeed, I hate to say that her calculations were a bit wrong. But on the bright side everyone makes mistakes." said Gia, as she tries to look on the bright side.

"Yeah, yeah, well for starters, having Ramona on this team is one of them." said Nora, as she grunts.

"Why do you hate Ramona so much?" said Maya

"Oh because of nun." said Nora

"Nun?" said Maya, questioning her.

"Nun ya business! Now get off!" said Nora, as she yelled at Maya.

"Okay, okay, fine sheese." said Maya, getting off of Nora.

Maya turns to Gia.

"You're friend sure is mean." said Maya

"Well, this is why neither of us like to ask her personal questions." said Gia, as she stood up from the floor. "Nora hates to talk about personal things.

"But, how is having a grudge on Ramona a personal thing? Ramona has never even talked about Nora before, until we move to your team." said Maya

"That's something unusual, but as her teammates it's better for us to stay out of it." said Gia

"Hm-mm." said Maya, having a doubt.

Meanwhile in the basketball court's benches, Kelley sighs while shaking her head.

"Sheesh, they're worse than I thought." said Kelley as she  mumbles to herself. "Christen is right, they're not ready yet. But there's still time."

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