"I'm used to it." said Khole, as Coach Mica is putting everything except for her wallet inside of handbag.

"Okay, girls. I have some good news." said Coach Mica, as she tries to cheer up the team. "I can be the official team bus driver, since I qualify for the job!"

"Wait what?" said Coach Abby, as she looks at Coach Mica surprisingly. "What do you mean that you qualify for it?"

"Well yeah, you see I can drive buses and large trucks." said Coach Mica, as she admits to them while showing them her license. "You see, now get on the bus so that I can show you girls how well I can drive."

"Are you sure about this?" said Coach Abby, as she asked Coach Mica.

"Oh yeah, I'm really sure." said Coach Mica, as she guides everyone inside of the bus.

After all of the girls settle down on the bus, Coach Mica takes the driver's seat and finally turns on the bus. The girls were amazed by how the bus sounded, and how it had seatbelts on the seats.

"Wow, seat belts!" said Gia, as she put on her seat belt. "School buses normally don't have any seat belts in them, I'm really surprised that this one does."

"Well, that's because they were added on." said Coach Mica, as she admits to Gia.

"Wow." said Gia

"Alright, now let's get this bus going." said Coach Mica

Moments later...

While taking the bus out for a drive, Coach Mica was testing out her bus driving skills. During a light intersection, Coach Mica actually starts to speed up than the usual limit and almost hits a street sign.

"Woah! Did you see that!" said Brynn, as she asked the girls.

"Uh, Coach Mica, it seems like we're speeding up." said Reese

Just then, Coach Mica started to get on the side of some of the sidewalks.

"Hey, is it me? or are we on a sidewalk?" said Nyla as she questions the other girls.

"What makes you say that?" said Addison, as she asked Nyla.

"Because, it literally feels like we're on top of a sidewalk." said Nyla, as she admits to Addison.

"Hey, you're right, that and because half of the side of the bus is a little above the other half." said Addison, as she holds on to the edge of her seat.

"Coach Abby!" said Nora, as she called out.

"Just hold on girls!" said Coach Abby, as she yelled from the front of the bus. "Coach Mica, stop! Take us back to the park!"

"Okay!" said Coach Mica, as she turned left at an intersection.

"Woah!!!" said all of the girls as they held onto one another, while Coach Mica turned.

"We're not going to make it!" said Hadley, as she calls out.

While arriving back at the park's driveway, Coach Mica parks the bus in three of the park's empty parking spaces.

The girls including Coach Abby make a sigh of relief, before cheering happily...

"Finally!" said the girls, who were exhausted from holding on to one another.

"Hurry! Let's get out, before she wants to try it again!" said Maya, as she yells desperately to the rest of the team.

All of the girls exited the bus in a line.

"Land! Sweet land!" said Nora, while falling on the ground. "I'm never going into that bus again! Well, not when Coach Mica is driving!"

"Nora, don't you think that you're exaggerating?" said Clara, as she asked Nora.

"No!" said Nora, as she yelled out without hesitation. "Over exaggerating is more when you were clawing your fingernails into my shoulders!"

"That wasn't me." said Clara, as she admits to Nora. "I was sitting beside you the whole time!"

"Then who?" said Nora, as she questioned Clara.

"Oops, sorry Nora, that was me." said Brynn, nervously before grinning at her.

Nora started to give Brynn the stink eye.

"Cowgirl." said Nora, as she growled.

"I'll get the first aid kit." said Clara, as she walks into the bus.

Meanwhile, on the bus...

Coach Mica, was inside of the bus along with Coach Abby and Maire.

"So, how did I do?" said Coach Mica, as she asked Maire and Coach Abbby. "Did I pass?"

"No." said Coach Abby, without hesitation. "However, we aren't allowed to drive the team bus anymore, or even be near the steering wheel. I want you away from that steering wheel."

"But, why? I drove a tank before." said Coach Mica, as she admits to Coach Abby. "This reminded me of a tank. And is also somewhat like a tank."

"You gotta be kidding me." said 

Goal!: The Fourth Chapter!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें