"You're joking right?" said Three, as he questions Nora.

"Nope." said Nora, as she chuckles.

Three groans, while taking out his phone, as Tobin, Clara, and Nora looked at him.

"Okay, here goes nothing." said Three, as he started to send a text message to Kelley's number instead of his actual crush's number.

"Alright, let's see." said Nora, as she spun the bottle again, which landed on Clara. "Clara?"

"Truth!" said Clara, as she quickly responded, before Nora could cut her off.

"Well, let's hear it!" said Nora, as she tells Clara.

Clara looks at Jace.

"Jace, true or false, have you and Five ever kissed before?" said Clara, as she questioned Jace.

"No." said Jace, as he admitted. "We've never kissed before

"It's true." said Maire, as she also admits to them.

A minute later...

"Tobin, dare!" said Nora, as she quickly responded, before Tobin could choose which one. "I dare you to sing a song in Spanish!"

"But, I don't know how to even speak Spanish!" said Tobin, as she raised her hands up in surrender.

"Don't worry, we'll put a song on for you!" said Nora, as she started to put a Spanish song on.

Moments later...

"Nora, your turn! I dare you to call your boyfriend!" said Three, as he quickly calls out to Nora.

"But, I don't have a boyfriend!" said Nora, as she denies that she has one.

"Whatever, just call him!" said Three, as he tells Nora.

A few more minutes later...

After the first round had ended, Maire finally joined their game.

"Alright, Five!" said Nora, she cheered at Maire, while spinning the bottle for her.

The bottle then lands on Maire.

"Five, I dare you to kiss either Three or Tobin!" said Nora, as she quickly calls out without hesitation.

Maire, along with everyone in the room turns to Nora, who smirks.

"WHAT?!" yelled Maire, who took it by surprise, before snapping at Nora. "Are you out of your mind?! There's no way that I'll kiss either one of them!"

"Hey, you said you wanted to play." said Nora, as she admits to Maire. "So, I picked a dare for you."

"What are you trying to do?!" said Maire as she raised her voice at Nora.

"The right thing." said Nora, as she smirks. "It's not too late, you know, you can still fix your mistakes. I mean, either way your relationship is slower than molasses. I mean come on, we both know that Three has a crush on you."

Maire raised an eyebrow at Nora, knowing that Three doesn't have a crush on her.

"Mistake?" said Maire, as she asked Nora. "Okay, my relationship with Jace is slow, because we wanted it to be that way. You have no right to force us to do something that we don't want to. That's how love works!"

"Hey, look I already picked a dare for you." said Nora as she tells her. "Whether you like it or not, you're going to have to do it."

Maire then sighs, annoyed, after hearing Nora say those words.

"Take your pick, your best friend." said Nora, with a sinister smirk. "Or your friend."

Three and Tobin both looked at each other feeling nervous of Maire's decision, before looking back at her.

"Five, it's just a game." said Tobin, as she admits to Maire.

"Yeah, we know it's just a game." said Three, as he agrees with Tobin, while looking at Maire.

After looking at both Three and Tobin, Maire then turns to Nora, who was counting.

"Who would you choose, Three or Tobin?" said Nora, as she asked Maire.

Maire turned to the person next to her, and kissed the person. The room fell quiet, and everyone was shocked by her decision. Maire, after realizing what she did, rolled out of the room, embarrassed.

"Wait, Five!" said Tobin, as she stood up from her spot, and followed Maire from behind. "Wait up, Five! Five wait!"

After Maire and Tobin had left the room, a speechless Clara, Nora, and Three looked at Jace who was also in shock as well. Jace was touching his lips with his finger tips, and blushed.

"I'm pretty sure she broke him." said Nora, as she decided to break the silence, before shaking her head in disappointment. "I can't believe she kissed him, without thinking twice."

"Yeah." said Clara, before looking at Nora, and hitting her on the side of her head without warning.

"Ow! Hey?!-" said Nora, as she was cut off by Clara.

"What were you thinking?!" said Clara, as she snaps at Nora.

"What, I just wanted to have a little fun, by spicing things up a bit." said Nora, as she admits to Clara, while rubbing her head in where Clara hit her. "That's all."

"A bit?" said Clara, as she glared at her, while grunting.

Three later looks at Clara.

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