"Let me just get my special duffle bag first." said Nora, she chuckles at them. "B.R.B!"

After getting her duffle bag from the hallway, Nora then arrives back at the locker room, the duffle bag in her right hand.

"Okay, so I have a couple of dresses in here...somewhere..." said Nora, as she started digging into her special duffle bag, before looking back at the girls."

"Man, how big is that bag?" said Emily, as she asked Nora, while raising an eyebrow up.

"Oh you have no idea." said Nora, as she grins, before digging through her bag again. "A ha! Found them!"

Nora started to pull out a Dorothy looking dress, from the Wizard of Oz movie, along with other similar looking dresses but with different colors.  

"Not the Dorothy dress!" said Clara, as she whines.

"Hey hey hey, my bet my rules." said Nora, as she tells Clara, before looking at Allie, Christen, and Emily. "If Portland wins then Christen, Clara, and I, will have to wear these dresses. However, if Utah wins, then you and Allie will have to wear these dresses."

"Wait... how many Dorothy dresses do you even have in there?" said Allie, as she asked Nora, who grins.

"To be honest, I don't know," said Nora, as she blushed. "I've lost track after stuffing them all in my bag."

"To be honest, they don't look that bad." said Allie, as she looked at the dress that Nora was holding. "Can we all pick one, just to see how it looks on us?"

"Sure, cause either way, you have to try them on to see if they fit." said Nora, as she teases them. "Because you know, the game is only a couple of days away."

A few minutes later...

As Nora, Clara, Emily, Allie, and Christen each put on a dorothy dress, the girls then look at one another. Nora was wearing a blue dorothy dress, Allie was wearing a yellow dorothy dress, Clara was wearing a light blue dorothy dress, Christen was wearing a green dorothy dress, and Emily was wearing a pink dorothy dress.

"So... how do I look?" said Allie, as she asked the girls."

"You look like Doroathy, but with a yellow dress!" said Emily, as she laughs at Allie.

"What are you laughing at?" said Allie, as she chuckles, while looking at Emily. "You're wearing one too, but it's pink!"

Emily, who was in front of Nora's special duffle bag, looks at an extra Dorothy dress that was the only one left. The dorothy dress was the color red.

"Hey, Nora. There's still one more dress left. Who is that one for?" said Emily, as she questions her.

"Oh, that one's a left over one." said Nora, as she stopped before smirking sinister smirk.

"Oh no, I don't like the look on that face." said Clara, as she admits to them, while looking at Nora rubbing her hands together.

Nora walked on the doorway of the room.

"Ohh Three!" said Nora, cheerfully while yelling out of the locker room, and towards the hallway.

"Yeah?!" said Three, as he questioned Nora.

"How would you like to put on a red Dorothy dress!" said Nora, as she yelled to Three.

"Um, no thanks I'm good!" said Three, as he yelled at Nora from the hallway.

"Oh come on!" said Nora, as she yelled while whining. "Please!"

"No, in your dreams Nora!" said Three, as he yelled at Nora from the hallway.

"Hey, it could happen in my dreams!" said Nora, as she yelled while teasing Three.

"Then nevermind." said Three, as he yelled at Nora from the hallway, which caused the other girls except for Clara to giggle.

Nora enters back inside of the room, and towards Clara, Emily, Allie, and Christen.

"He said he'll think about it." said Nora, as she lied while looking at them.

"No I didn't!" said Three, as he yelled at Nora from the hallway, while revealing that he had heard Nora say that.

"Honestly, they're not too bad." said Christen, as she looks at a mirror, before looking back at them.

"Uh huh." said Allie and Emily, as they also agreed with Christen, except for Clara, who still had her arms crossed in disappointment.

"Oh come on Clara, lighten up will ya." said Christen, as she tells Clara.

"Wait for it." said Clara, as she mutters in a low voice. "It's not over yet."

"Who?-" said Christen, before she could even ask Clara, before being cut off by Emily.

"Dang, we look good!" said Emily, as she looks at a nearby mirror, which causes Christen and Allie to giggle.

"Yeah, but don't get your hopes up, girls." said Nora, as she smirks. "I wasn't finished. Not only do we have to wear the dress, but we also have to wear the shoes and the braided hair, along with the bows, as well as wearing them in your upcoming USWNT games while being on the sideline, instead of wearing your warm up uniforms on."

"WHAT?!" yelled Christen, Emily, and Allie, who were all in shock.

"Now, there's the reaction that I was looking for." said Clara, who wasn't at all surprised, as she stopped crossing her arms, while looking at Christen, Emily, and Allie, with their mouths dropped wide open.

"W-wait! B-but! We can't?!" said Allie, as she stuttered her words, while telling Nora.

"No take backs!" said Nora, without hesitation, while chuckling, before grinning. "A bet is a bet. Sorry."

Just then, a minute later, Maire, Tobin, Lindsey, and Crystal then enter the locker room with a surprised look on their faces.

[End of flashback]

After Clara was giving Maire, Tobin, Lindsey, and Crystal an explanation, they then started to burst out of laughter.

"Smooth girls, smooth." said Christen, as she, Allie, Nora, and Emily give them an annoyed pout.

"Oh come on, girls." said Tobin, as she grins at them. "Can you just take a joke!"

"Anyways! It's time for us to change, so get out!" said Allie, as she, Christen, Nora, and Emily dragged Maire, Tobin, Lindsey, and Crystal out of the room.

"Yeah, come on, get get." said Emily, as she chuckles.

After taking off their dresses Clara, Nora, and Christen change back into their regular clothes, as Allie and Emily change back into their practice uniform.

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