"OW!" yelled Maire, as she rubs her on the side of her head that Clara hit. "Clara! Why, why did you do that?!"

"Answer my question first, do you have faith yes or no?" said Clara, as she asked Maire.

"Yes, of course, I do have faith." said Maire, as she turns to Clara. "But, I don't have hope."

"Oh come on, Maire." said Clara, as she put down the rolled up newspaper article. "You have to think positive instead of negative."

"Yes, I know," said Maire, as she sighs. "But, it's just so hard to do that after that hit that I took, from you."

"Did it really hurt?" said Clara, as she questions Maire.

"Uh, yeah. A lot." said Maire, as she admits to Clara.

"You're so sensitive." said Gael, as he chuckles.

"You some of this?" said Clara, holding up the rolled newspaper, at Gael. "I'm pretty sure I saw another fly around your area."

"No thanks, I'm good." said Gael

"Suit yourself." said Clara, as she shrugs her shoulders.

"You might want to." said Maire, as she joked.

"Yeah, no. I don't think so." said Gael, as he quickly changes the subject. "So, are you girls doing something today?"

"Why do you ask?" said Clara, as she asked Gael.

"Yeah, Clara, Axel and I, are going to leave right now." said Maire, as she tells Gael. "However, I'm not sure of what time we're going to be back though."

"Oh really, well don't worry, I'll tell mom that you and Axel left along with Clara." said Gael, as he smiled at his sister. "It's a good idea that you're getting out of your room, after being there for a long time. We were already starting to get worried."

"Tell me about it." said Maire, as she admits to Gael. "I literally don't want to turn back now. Well, see you later bro."

Maire looks at Axel, while Clara walks to the front door.

"Come on Axel, let's go." said Maire, as she later waves at her brother, while Clara helps her out of the house.

Both Clara and Maire leave the house along with Axel. After Clara and Maire start to greet both Jace and Three, along the way out of the house, both Jace and Three have decided to come along with them. The 5 of them then enter Clara's SUV and leave towards Nora's family boxing GYM.

Meanwhile, along the way...

"So, let me get this straight, you forgot that you had a boyfriend?" said Three, as he joked.

"Clara!" said Maire, as she looked at Clara who smirked.

"Hey, don't look at me! You said it yourself." said Clara, as she chuckled. 

"I don't blame you, I mean you were locked in your room for like a couple of months." said Jace, as he looked at Maire.

"Yeah, poor Jace, he looked even sadder than Axel." said Clara, as she joked.

"Hey, who taught Axel the puppy eyes?" said Three, as he asked Maire.

"Tobin." said Maire, as she tells Three.

"Yeah, explains a lot." said Three, as he laughed.

"We're here." said Clara, as she parked her SUV right in front of the boxing GYM.

"Cool place, and I'm not saying that because there's like four or three guys leaning against the wall close to one of the windows." said Three, nervously while looking at the four muscular guys. "Are they real boxers? Cause, they don't look like they are."

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