"Because, the breaks are on." said Maire, as she tells Clara, with no hesitation to talk.

"Yeah, I know but still, what kind of person puts on their wheelchair brakes? Even if they know that they are going to go somewhere-" said Clara, as she stops and realizes that Maire had finally said something, she then starts to squeal like a little girl, cheerfully. "Eeeee! You talk! You finally talk! I'm so happy! Yes! Yes!"

While taking a few steps away from Maire, Clara then started to do her happy dance.

"Uh huh, uh huh, oh yeah! Go Clara, it's your birthday! Uh huh, uh huh." said Clara, cheerfully while dancing, which made Maire chuckle.

Moments later...

"It turns out that Coach Sloan was actually the real reason why you got injured in the first place." said Clara, as she admitted to Maire. "Coach Sloan greased the weights that you were using that day, which caused the weight to slip out of your hand. According to evidence that she provided on the day of her arrest, she was playing dirty, and took advantage of everything. The reason why she targeted you was because you were defending the USWNT, and knew that you would always be at their side."

"I don't get it, why did Coach Sloan hate the USWNT?" said Maire, as she questioned Clara.

"I don't know, she never said anything about that." said Clara, as she admitted to Maire. "However, what I do know are two things, the first one is that Coach Sloan already has a history of abusing other youth teams, and not just our team, as well. The second one, is that Coach Sloan was also the main cause of your injury during our game against the USWNT.

"What?!" said Maire, she tells Clara in shock.

"Yeah, it's a long story." said Clara, as she started to explain to Maire. "You see, while you were at the hospital, I went to go and pick up Axel along with our stuff from Khole, who was still at the stadium with some of the other girls, on the day of our last game."


On the day of the U-20 girls team against the USWNT...

While inside of the locker room, Khole was in the locker room along with Axel, who was barking and growling at someone, while sensing that something was wrong.

"Come on, Axel. Clara is going to be here soon, so can you please stay still?" said Khole, as she tells Axel, who wouldn't listen to her.

Just then, Clara enters the locker room.

"Clara, you're back!" said Khole, in a cheerful voice, but upon seeing Clara's face, Khole's face then dropped. "How's Maire?"

"Not good," said Clara, as her voice cracked.

"I know, I heard the news, and I'm terribly sorry Clara." said Khole, as she hugs her.

In which Axel started to growl.

"Hey, what's wrong with Axel?" said Clara, as she asked Khole.

"I don't know, he's been like this ever since we entered the room." said Khole, as she admits to Clara. "Players from our team and the USWNT would be passing by, in which he would be growling at them."

"It looks like that he's probably growling at the USWNT, due to what Lindsey did to Maire, during a few minutes after the game." said Clara, as she reached out for Axel's lesh, that Khole was holding on two.

"Yeah, probably. However, I feel that he's not barking at them though. They've been passing, but he wouldn't bark or growl at any of them." said Khole, as she admits to Clara.

Just then, Coach Sloan then enters the room.

"Rodriguez! Get that ugly dog out of here!" said Coach Sloan, as she barked within the walls.

While hearing Coach Sloan's voice, Axel then frees himself from Clara, who loses grip from Axel's  dog leash. After seeing that Axel was coming after her, Coach Sloan then runs out of the locker room with Axel chasing her from behind.

"Bad dog! Sit!" said Coach Sloan, as she runs for her life.

"Axel, wait, come back!" said Clara, as she called Axel's name, while she and Khole were chasing him from behind. "Axel!"

While chasing Coach Sloan throughout the whole hallways of the stadium, the chase then stops with Axel corning Coach Sloan from one of the corners of the locker room.

"Heh, heh, nice dog." said a panting Coach Sloan, who was exhausted from the run, as Axel was slowly walking towards her, even though Coach Sloan was already touching the corner.

Coach Sloan was trapped in a dead end, with nowhere to go.

"You want something? Here, take my phone!" said Coach Sloan, as she dropped her phone next to Axel, who was still approaching her slowly.

After Coach Sloan dropped her phone on the floor, both Clara and Khole arrived, and walked towards Axel, while trying not to make any sudden movements.

"Easy Axel, easy boy." said Clara, as she approaches Axel gently.

"Hey, what's this?" said Khole, as she grabs Axel's leash and holds on to it tightly. "It looks like all he wanted to do was chase Coach Sloan, for an afternoon run."

Khole then started to chuckle, while Clara picked up Coach Sloan's phone from the floor, as Axel stopped getting closer to Coach Sloan, and just growled at her. As Clara accidentally presses the power button on Coach Sloan's phone, she then sees that she has also gotten the same urgent message from the hospital which says that Maire can't play. An angry Clara looks at Coach Sloan, with anger in her eyes.

"So you're the real reason why my cousin is going to be cripple for the rest of her life!" said Clara, as she yelled at Coach Sloan while confronting her, in which Axel started to bark back at Coach Sloan.

Khole was holding back Axel's leash, so that Axel wouldn't bite her.

Just then, while listening to Clara's yells, Dawn, Alaia, Nyla, and Gia, entered the room. Nyla and Gia were holding back Clara, who was charging at Coach Sloan. After explaining everything to Dawn, Alaia, Nyla, and Gia, Alaia then grabbed Coach Sloan from behind with her hands behind her back, while Dawn was contacting the police. Since Coach Jill had also pressed charges at Coach Sloan, due to her abuse towards both teams.

[End of Flashback]

After hearing the whole story from Clara, Maire then looks at her.

"Wow, I'm speechless." said Maire, with no other words to say. "I knew that Coach Sloan was cruel, but not that cruel."

"Yeah." said Clara, as in a low voice. "We were shocked to hear that we weren't the only team that suffered from Coach Sloan's abuse."

"Yeah..." said Maire, as she decided to change the subject. "So... speaking of the team, how's our team doing?"

Clara then sighs...

"Since Coach Sloan's departure and arrest, our team has been taken out of our next season due to the past events, from Coach Sloan. In which all of us have separated, and parted our own way."

"Oh." said Maire, much to her dismay.

Goal!: The Fourth Chapter!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat