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Margot felt the rage building inside her.

But unlike all those years in hiding, she could let it out.

The air around her crackled as she was outlined in red. It seemed the world around her trembled as she hovered a few inches in the air.

"She is one of us, one of my red lanterns. What right does the Green Lantern Corps have to hold her?"

She wondered if her thick german accent translated into the guardian language through the ring.

Her holo was projected high in the Oa council chamber so she was level with the "thrones" of the little blue people. She was on Shard 2 at the moment, the base of her corps.

Appa sneered. "Vera of Earth committed a crime. Earth police forces cannot deal with a red lantern, so as peace keepers of the galaxy, we took her containment into our own hands."

"What crime?" Breez growled from beside Margot. "When did self defense become a crime?"

Zox stood on her other side. When Margot had become the leader of the red lantern corps, she had formed a small council to assist her.

Zox had experience leading, though truthfully not well. Breez was a master tactician, and most of the other lanterns trusted her. Margot made all the final decisions.

"When a red lantern is the killer, it is." Appa said.

Not smart. Even the rest of the guardians turned on him.

"Appa!" Sayd chastised. "May I remind you that the red lanterns have been our allies for 5 years."

"Oh, we understand his words Sayd. After all, we did attack you 5 years ago." Margot said, even though she herself hadn't been a member yet. Or, at least, a member and in universe. "A just attack after your manhunters destroyed the forgotten zone, a fact that seems to constantly be forgotten. The lives lost, constantly forgotten."

But we're not here to speak of the dead. We're here to help the living, a child. A child who killed in defense of herself and her siblings." Margot continued.

"Yes, but her rage is uncontrollable. We guardians can help this child." Appa began.

Margot snickered. "You emotionless little bugs? How can you help a child control her rage. You'd just tell her to ignore her feelings. And that helps no one."

"You do not understand what we are dealing with, Red Lantern Margot." Appa snarled.

"You're right, I don't. Because you refuse to give me any information besides the earth police report!" Margot heard her voice echo. "If she is such a danger, wouldn't it be wise to tell the one who knows the most of her power. Or are you frightened I'd turn her into a weapon, like Atrocitus would have?"

The guardians were silenced for a moment.

"Of course not." Sayd spoke finally. "We just fear...if news got out about her, others would use her."

"Well, I don't see anyone else in the room." Morgot hissed.

Sayd nodded and clicked something. A large file glowed into existance in front of them.

It showed an image of a little human child. She looked about ten and had straight hair that reached the middle of her back.

She was garbed in a red lantern's outfit. It was the usual, the only difference to the standard outfit the red sneakers and wimple, all glowing with red lantern power.

"Vera of Earth," Sayd began. "As you know, killed her guardians. In reports by herself and her siblings, she slayed them in self defense as her uncle was choking the youngest and did not appear to plan releasing him."

The Rage Of A ChildWhere stories live. Discover now