Chapter 40

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Don't get me wrong, I was super grateful to have yesterday off, but I'm ready to get to work today.

Sweets is packed as usual, and my morning consists of running around the place like a madwoman serving people their orders. I didn't mess up once and I think that's thanks to the fact that I'm finally starting to get the hang of how things work around here.

I'm in the back room on my lunch break, noshing on a fresh-pressed mozzarella panini that Wendy made me when Danny walks in holding a to-go cup and a glass plate with a sandwich on it.

"Mind if I join you?" he asks.

I gesture to the empty chair across the table from me. "Please."

Ever since I ended things with Danny he has not once made me feel bad about my choice. A choice that I've honestly been doubting these last few days.

"So, how was Jacksonville? Were you able to check out that restaurant that I told you about?"

"Jacksonville was so much fun, and no, I wish! I did mention it to Grandma Ruby, but she had already made us lunch plans at this fancy French restaurant."

"Ah, how can my burger joint even compare to fancy French food?"

"Hey, you could never go wrong with a burger," I say, and we both chuckle. But then the laughter dies, and I feel the need to get something off of my chest. "Listen, Danny, I've been meaning to talk to you. I've been thinking about what went down between us, and I know that you probably think that I'm crazy for even saying this, but I was wondering if you would give me another chance."

With the way that Danny's looking at me, I'm doubting whether or not I should have confessed what I just did. He doesn't seem confused or angry, but hesitant.

"Look, Bella," he finally begins. "I'm going to be honest with you. That night - the night that you ended things with me - I left your house feeling confused. I immediately asked myself what I could've done wrong, or what I should've done more right. And then when I couldn't figure it out, I started to feel this hurt that I've really never felt before. Here's the thing...I really liked you. I still really like you. But I'm not going to put myself back in that situation if your feelings for me aren't 100-percent. So, I gotta ask. And please forgive me for doing so....are you over Nico?"

I blink a few times, doubting that I heard him correctly. Thinking that I didn't, I ask, "sorry, can you repeat the last part?"

"I asked if you're over Nico. I'm sorry if I'm overstepping here, but I just need you to be honest with me. I need to know where you stand."

"I was never into Nico to begin with."

"Bella...," he tries to dispute what I'm saying.

"Okay, fine. Maybe I was into him, but the emotions that come with that are simply tied to my childhood. I can tell you, with 100-percent certainty, that I don't feel anything for him anymore."

He looks at me hard, clearly waiting for me to crack; to tell him what he doesn't want to hear even though he thinks that it's the truth. But the serious expression on my face remains.

"You promise?" he asks me.

I nod a few times. "I promise."

The next move I make might be too forward, but it feels right. I want to show Danny that I'm serious about this, and I know that Grandma Ruby won't mind. 

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?" I ask. 

He thinks for a few seconds. "No plans, actually."

"Great. I'd love to invite you over for dinner. My Grandma Ruby and mom will be there. What do you say? Will you come?"

This time, he doesn't even think twice. "I'd love to."


When Grandma Ruby picks me up from work, I immediately tell her that I invited Danny over for dinner. Like I expected, she was thrilled. Grandma Ruby is the 'more-the-merrier' type, and the fact that Danny is someone who I'm romantically interested in, just makes it that much more appealing to her.

She's so excited that for the full 10-minute car ride she's been talking about what she should cook. When I tell her to keep it simple and that I don't want her to stress about it, she gives me an eye-roll and says, "lemon chicken, roasted rosemary potatoes, sesame string beans, and apple tart for dessert it is".

"That sounds like a lot of work, grams. I want this to be casual."

"It will be. I'll wear jeans," she jokes, and I skew my lips at her.

"Is mom home?" I ask.

"She should be on her way back. She stopped at the grocery for me. But before that, she was with Adam. Don't tell her I said anything!"

"What? No way! That's what I like to hear."

"He had some free-time in between meetings so he called and asked to take her to brunch. It sounds like any chance he gets to see your mom, he takes."

"Like I've been saying from the beginning, I like this guy."

We end up pulling into the driveway a few seconds after mom.

"Hey, mom," I say as soon as I get out of the car. She's holding a bouquet of flowers. "Who are those from?"

"Hi, honey! I'll tell you inside," she beams.

I waste no time interrogating mom about her date. Like the rest of the dates that she's been on with Adam, she had a really good time. I can tell that her feelings for him are growing stronger and stronger as the days go on, and I'm so happy for her.

"By the way," mom says, "guess who I ran into after the grocery?"



I stop pouring the orange juice into my cup the second that his name slips from mom's mouth.

"Ha," I chuckle nervously. "No kidding."

"He really is the sweetest. And he looked great."

"Did you talk for long?" I try to sound cool about the whole scenario, but I feel uneasy. I don't want mom to see the expression on my face, so I pick up the glass of juice and start drinking it.

"Uh, yeah, actually. We stopped at Melly's for coffee. I invited him over for dinner tonight."

And that's when I start choking on the orange juice. "I'm sorry, what?"

Mom detects my uneasiness and appears concerned. "Did I do something wrong? Nico always comes over for dinner, so I figured you'd be happy."

"You should have asked me first, mom."

Mom looks at Grandma Ruby for some sort of clarity, but all she's doing is scratching her neck.

"Am I missing something here?"

I'm basically at a loss of words, so Grandma Ruby has to take over for me. "Looks like it'll be a full house tonight."

"What do you mean?" mom asks.

"Isabella already has a guest joining us for dinner." She pauses as mom remains curious. "Danny."

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