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{painkiller: noun// a drug or medicine for relieving pain}

My eyes crack open slowly focusing on my surroundings. The shower is still going, no longer warm and waiting, the floor around me is sticky with blood, and the tool I used to mangle myself lies in the middle of the tiled floor. Releasing a weak sigh I strain to sit up and turn the spray behind me off. The tug and pull of my raw wounds make me cringe as I force myself to stand, switching off the light and shutting the door behind me leaving my mess all over the floor.

I strip out of my stained shirt, scooping up a ratty band tee one of the boys left here from the floor. Swiping my cigarettes and a hidden bottle of gin from my dresser I push my window open climbing haphazardly onto the ledge outside to sit and forget the mess of my life.

After I've lit my throat on fire with the mixture of menthol and gin I sag comfortably against the pale siding of this empty house, squinting up at the moon.

"What's with you and heights?" I jump at question, snapping my mildly drunken attention on the patron struggling to clamber out the window.

I giggle stupidly as the blonde hair puffs through the open window. "You're all legs, Mr. Hemmings." I chuckle whilst Luke settles himself on the ledge, his bright blue eyes dull slightly seeing my current state.

"Scarlet..." He murmurs sadly, bringing a fingertip to my recent wounds.

"Don't look." I breathe, pulling my knees up to my chest in an attempt to hide my damaged skin. Hot tears burn my eyes, whether it's from the alcohol or the agony we'll never know because one look at Luke has left me a broken mess.

"Hey, no, don't cry." He mumbles, rubbing my back gently. "Let's get you inside, Scar. I'll call Ash and everything will be okay." And in the end I don't have the energy to fight him on the issue, I allow him to bring me back inside my bedroom and sit me on the edge of my bed.

He scurries about straightening things as he dials Ashton's phone, ringing him twice before his picks up. It only takes seconds for him to explain the situation and hand the phone over to me, which I try to refuse until he presses it to my ear.

"Scarlet?" Ashton demands after a moment of silence.

The urgency in his voice causes me to cringe and clear my throat awkwardly croaking, "Ashton..." into the receiver.

"What is going on love?" He sighs deeply making his relief evident. I sigh shakily pressing the palm of my hand to my eye, trying to hold the tears back.

"It's nothing Ash, I'm fine." I croak pinching the bridge of my nose, attempting to avoid eye contact with Luke. The last thing I want to do is talk about every fucked up thing I've done since I left Luke's house earlier.

"Scarlet, don't lie to me, please tell me what's wrong." He hums; and even as his words wrap around me as if he's sitting right here, I don't know how to admit what's wrong with me for I do not know what it is myself.

"I'm just a bit sad," I mumble pathetically. "I'll be fine, Luke's here if I need anything." Tossing the phone on the bed, after I've hung up without another word to Ashton.

I ogle Luke, lanky with such a faux look of innocence; a blonde hair, blue eyed angel that can do no wrong, one of the sweetest guys I've ever known. I pray no one takes that from him.

"Luke," I whisper, gripping my comforter awkwardly between my fingers. "Will you distract me? Please."

He straightens his back, untangling his fingers, before shuffling forward from the doorway. "Um, sure..." He pauses, running a hand through his messy hair. "How exactly---"

"I dunno! Let's, like, watch a movie or something." I ramble, waving my hand toward the flatscreen TV mounted on my wall.

Licking his lips he keeps his eyes on mine, as if he's laying down some unspoken rule. "Yeah, a movie sounds good..." I nod for an unnecessarily long time in an attempt to convince myself that it's just a movie.

Luke kicks off his black Converse and climbs into bed next to me, tossing a hand behind his head and crossing his feet comfortably at the ankles. I inhale sharply, admiring the dip his sculpted body creates in my mattress. Suddenly I've become very aware of the bulge in Luke's tight jeans and the fact that I'm only in a tee-shirt and panties.

I close my eyes trying to calm my slightly accelerated breathing, biting my lip as the image of Luke sweaty and shirtless arises in my mind. "Fuck..." I breathe, popping my eyes back open to find the most striking pair of blue eyes studying me.

"What's up?" He questions raising an eyebrow at me and I stop thinking, letting everything fall away. Every sane thought gets lost in the desire to forget how to feel for just one moment. Quickly tossing a knee over Luke to straddle him I bite my lip, preparing to whip my baggy shirt off when Luke's eyes grow ten times their normal size. "Scarlet! What're you doing?!" He demands, grabbing my wrists to keep my shirt in place.

I freeze, feeling the hair on my head prickle. "Luke, I-I..."

"Ashton is one of my best friends, Scarlet, I can't..." He mumbles, staring at me like I've lost my mind.

Maybe I have...

"I just, I wanted to forget." I whisper so quietly I'm not sure if he even heard me.

It feels as though two lifetimes have passed by the time Luke clears his throat, making me realize we haven't moved either. I fall to the side, covering my face with my hands.

I feel Luke sit up, sighing. "What'd you want to forget?"



"I love him..." I admit quietly, peeking through my fingers expecting some secret bomb to go off around me.

"I know---"

I cut him off, finally lowering my hands from my face. "How?"

"It's pretty obvious, Scarlet." He chuckles, shaking his head. "He loves you too, you know."

"He doesn't need to..." I mumble inaudibly. "Love is too scary."

"Yeah?" Luke asks, turning to face me.

I nod. "I want to forget what it feels like, Luke. I want to forget love, it's too painful."

Luke smiles sadly, resting his hand on my arm. "That's why we have painkillers, Scar."

a/n: hi! So, yeah, it's been about four thousand years hasn't it? Anyway, I'm going to try and do updates once a week from now on. Okay, that is all. (very sorry for any typos)

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