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      I'm looking over the edge, my fingers lightly tracing the concrete of the small bridge. The streetlights are dim, as if they know what I'm thinking, and the clouds lay thick in the sky blocking any moonlight that attempts to break free. No cars have passed in a while, but then again no one knows I'm here and it's too late at night for anyone to really be out.

      My feet move before I command them to, climbing up onto the ledge. No one should find my note, not until morning at least and by then it'll be too late. Besides, no one really pretends to care until it's too late. I've been clouded in sadness for too long, I've hated myself for too long and nothing is getting better. I can't take it anymore. All I can do is stare at the blackness below wondering what would happen if I just let go and leapt.

      The water below rushes by so quickly, beckoning me to become part of its current. My hands tremble but my lips turn up in a smile at the thought of the plummet. No more pain is the promise of death, no more suffering or ridicule, no more self hatred. Just..nothing for a while and then maybe in my next life I can be happy.

      I don't hear the car, I don't hear the door open, and I barely register him yelling. "Scar!" My heart sinks at the sight of him, Ashton standing helplessly frozen in place near his car. "Scar, what are you doing?" He manages to whisper going completely pale, making his horror stricken face all the more visible.

      "I'm sorry Ash---"

      "No, don't---Scarlet please!" His begging sends me staggering in my mind, questioning if I really want to do this. If I really want to leave him like this, if I want to leave him period.

      "Ashton...get in your car and drive home." I whisper making the final decision, swallowing the acidic vomit that's burning my throat.

      "Not until you get down, I'm not leaving without you. We can fix this, it's going to be okay..." He pleads with tears forming in his eyes, choking him up. I stand there as if I'm considering it, as if I'm going to hop down and run into his arms like everything is okay.

      But nothing is okay, how can it be okay? When he's gone on tours and when he's forgotten all about can it be okay?

      Tears stream down my face as I shake my head back and forth. "Ashton...I've tried piecing myself back together too many times, I can't do it anymore...I'm sorry." I gurgle past the sobs escaping from me.


      A breeze picks up, slow and chilly making me shiver. "I can't be fixed, Ashton..." I murmur tilting backwards on the ledge. Nothing moves, the wind stops and I'm half certain times freezes. His screams fill the silence, the only thing I hear on my way down; falling deeper and deeper into the dark abyss that has taken over my life.

      The water slices through me deeper than any blade, but the only thing on my mind is even held within such an intense blackness I got to see one more light shine before I was finally consumed.

a/n: Sooo, this could be triggering. I'm sorry ): I haven't been good, I guess, recently.. *shrug* I won't bore you all with complaints from my life. I know this is kinda like your typical fan fiction but I wanted to update something and I'm struggling with the next chapter of my Michael story so I guess I'll be writing both of these stories now. But anyway, I hope you liked this or something along those lines. I have quite a few ideas for this but I really want your opinions so if you don't think I should continue with this story or whatever, lemme know. Thanks lovelies, have a good day/night/afternoon.

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