chapter 11

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Flashback continues <<<<<<<<

Jungkook pov:

Jin eomma asked me if I know the reason why he got an apology pizza .

I shook my head but heard Namjoon hyung sign and mumbled 'not again '

I turned to Jin eomma and he said

"Because no one can resist my handsomeness"

I giggled and said
"Jin eomma handsome ? "

"Yes baby bun don't you know I'm WWH everywhere i go " he said with much pride and proud at himself.

Namjoon hyung was sitting at the back resting his head on his seat shaking his head .

"Eomma what is WWH" i asked to see Namjoon hyungs expression.

"He flinch from the seat and opened his eyes and looked at me ..with a pleading eyes saying 'please Jungkook just end it here' but i didn't listen i found him handsome too you know *blushing a little*

"Woaa you are the first person to ask me such cute question it means WORLD WIDE HANDSOME " He said looking like a super hero who just landed from the sky.

*I clapped my tiny hands and giggled at him *

"Now that you know I'm gonna take you home ,just eat your pizza , joonie here take yours " he said to Namjoon and i

*But something came into my mind and i decided to ask him*

_jungkook: " Jin eomma, why do you call Namjoon hyung joonie hyung?"

He paused looked at me and side glanced at Namjoon hyung who also stopped eating ready to get his answer

_jin: "oh because Namjoon is too long while calling it so i shorten it to 'joonie' sounds better to me Alone"

He said smiling at me. I nodded but heard a sad sign from Namjoon which i didn't border asking so i shrugged it off.

After like 20mintes i was home.

_jin: "okay we are here baby bun "

Jin hyung said to me, i smiled when i saw my mom at the front gate .

_jungkook: "thank you Jin eomma "

I said loosing my seat belt .

_jin:" baby bun can i have your number just so i can chart you sometimes "

_jungkook: "sure "

I said with a smile and dialed my number on his phone

_jin: "And baby bun don't eat too much tomorrow okay , would prepare something delicious for you tomorrow if you come to school ."

He added which made me smile at him and nod my head.

I got out of the car waving to Jin eomma cause Namjoon hyung was kinda sleeping "bye" i said and he drove off.

I turned and runner to my eomma and told her everything that happened which shocked her everytime.

"Woaa... And he said call him eomma" she asked

"Yes eomma " he is so kind and sweet just like you.

I said making her smile

MY BABY ANGEL   [[ TAEKOOK✔️]]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz