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Aaarhh..i groan when I heard the alarm on my nightstand.(rings at 7:00am).
"Kookie baby come down fast breakfast is ready!!!" My mom yells from downstairs.
Well I can't comprehend my family is not complicating , it just that the rules are too much. Especially from my father . He keeps telling you what and not to do.
"Omma am coming " i yelled fast don't want to be 'disciplined' by my father as he calls it . It didn't go well the last time I skipped my breakfast while my dad was at home..
"Yah kookie!! My bunny !! You know i love you so much when you eat right? you know the Food would go waste if you don't eat it ? Do you wanna starve and see how needy a food can be of help? He keeps asking not even allowing me to explain myself... "Oh i almost forgot " i thought he was about to change the topic but said the most triggering thing ever , "if you don't eat your breakfast no BANANA milk for you in a week and you know who we are giving to right?? " My appa (dad) said with nothing but straight face no smiling just pushing his glasses up and down not even minding if am listening or not cause he knew if he mentions BANANA MILK!! "oh noo appa i would eat my food i promise" i replied fastly after he finished talking cause if he gets out before i do from my room, NO BANANA MILK for me.. And That would  Make me sad and pout so much!!
I LOVE BANANA MILK alot it my source of energy ..
"Appa" i called before going out of my room "hm" he responded "sarangyeo" I added before going out with a wide grin on my face the last time he rolled his eyes on me and said "you better be a good boy my kookie" this time with a smile on his face .
But today my dad is at work so I was being a little naughty on my mom . Even though she worries about my health i always make sure she is not stressed out with me cause now am in college so am a big boy! Right?....right....
"Hmm... omma this is delicious " i said as i ate a delicious Pancake with my sweet banana milkshake. She smiles at me and raffled my hair "ohh my guchi guchi bunny" she says squeezing my cheeks making me go red everytime she does that. I know am twenty but i love it when my parents treat me like a baby. "Come on be fast you have school" she added. I whined cause am going to miss her but she said she would pick me up sometimes if she is less busy. I am not a spoiled brat as many may think but mom is a very sensitive person even though she is trying to loosen up a bit because she thinks am growing into man, she is still a little over protective sometimes.
As for my father he is good to me cause am his only offspring . They are very very busy people. 'They own a very big company in Seoul .
Even though they are trying to make me feel like am in their plans, i sometimes think they just don't want me to feel bad about myself want me to proud and pretty. But i tell them everything is okay cause am not 7yrs anymore am 20yrs now they still think am an introvert because am afraid of judgement from the society..
Yeah.. That's because many don't really accept who have become in these world..i came out at gay in very young age to careless to care what's next for me young and free but when i grow got to know it wasn't at easy at it is at all....
When i was 4years old i told my mom i found this cute boy in the amusement park i want to marry, she looked at me and asked what makes me think like that ...
I told her i just want to marry him cause he also said he would marry me. She spotted my father coming and change the topic. I thought she would allow me marry him but she rather laughed and said am just a kid and we always rant stuffs when my father approached. But My father didn't laugh at her joke he took it serious and asked me what i said to make my mom laugh, i was about to say it but my mom panicked and said 'i was wanting to have a bunny plushie but change my mind and said i want iron man as a birthday gift rather' ...
At fist i didn't understand what she was saying and confused about it but never asked why she lied to my father, until i turned 7years old i saw that same boy at the amusement park again but this time he was walking with another boy .. when i first met him i was happy but all of my smile dropped when i saw the other guy hold his hands, i got mad and kicked the other guy and said he was my boyfriend not his... Whilst doing this my father run to where i was and apologized to kid and started scolding me Even the boy who told me his name is V never defended me He stood shocked and watch my dad drag me to the car . He never talked about it until we reached home . He asked me to go into my room. I didn't know what to do when i got into my room, I cried alot thinking maybe my father would punish me so I locked myself in my room for two days 'no food no water ' just crying .. so my mom panicked even though my father was being strict and stubborn that he doesn't care what i do,.. well unfortunately i got sick and was at the verge of dying didn't really know what happened next i heard my mom using the spare key to open my room. With worry i was sent to the hospital.'
Out of panick and stress i put my parents into that day, they decided not to mention anything about my sexuality. and decided what ever I go with, is fine with them as long as that person makes me happy they don't bother anymore'
End of flashback
Now here i am sitting at the passenger seat next to my mom in the car going to my new term college. MY MOM KEPT ON PRAISING HOW GOOD THE SCHOOL LOOKS AND HOW GOOD THE TEACHERS ARE and so on... That i didn't really cared.. Well i was kinda bored while listening to her ... I don't like the school at all here in Seoul so judgemental (some).
i choose to go study in Canada their taechings are good too and there is free will to do what you know is best. I love that country so much, But my mom said it might be dangerous because they won't be seeing me and knowing what am doing even though I tried convincing them that it a modern world and there are things lick technology and i can reach them anytime i want they still didn't agree...
After so many trials and failure i knew my whines and pouting won't change their minds not even a bit,
so i just agreed to go this school named "BIG HIT COLLEGE
'My dad introduces claiming his friend sons attend that school and their grades are not disappointing at all.
Yeah yeah yeah that's my dad bluffings' i thought rolling my eyes
" Well i hope it doesn't disappoint me" i said to myself before i felt a hand tap on my thigh pulling me out of my trace.
"Bun we are here " my mom says whilst parking her car . The school was indeed BIGG ...My mom got a phone call from office after her parking so she was still in the car but I got out of it to walk into the school entrance and wait for her there. Whilst waiting i spotted one of my favorite high school seniors even though we don't talk much i still respected him. He was the one who made me very confident about myself in highschool even though I was afraid to show some part of me to my classmates.
so i decided to say HI to him if he would recognize me but he was walking with his friends so he didn't see me "Hyung!!" i screamed at his direction but seems he didn't hear me either because of the loud laughter surrounding him, so i decided to talk to him later after my registration .
"Hey! son am sorry to keep you waiting" mom says whilst getting closer to me at the entrance "annyi omma am okay" i replied to her with a smile on my face.
"Okay let go" she responded with a smile too .
After the long questions and answers at the principal office i tend to go visit the washroom.. because i was so stressed with the principal questions and was trying to escape some of them that i even forgot to ask where the washroom was, and dashed out of the office empty minded not knowing where exactly to pass or turn ... Too shy to ask for help i decided to search for it myself..
The hallway was indeed huge alot and lot of classrooms with different interior designs.. i was so focused on at the artworks on the wall whilst walking, that i didn't see someone on the run approaching me ... The moment i turn to look forward the guy bumped into me and both of us fell.. infact because it was unexpected it hurt more than expected.. instead of apologizing he kept looking at me till i don't know maybe the one chasing him came and held him up still not minding to apologize ' aishh this boys don't have manners at all what kind of school is this' i thought to myself ..
I was so furious that i didn't even know what i was blurting about " Yah ei pabo (idiot) who runs on a Tiled floor now see what has happened" i blurt it out without even thinking cause the guy on the ground was dead Handsome like when he stood up from the floor and stared at me, my face was turning hot pink. but his friend 'i don't know even' stood in between us and blocked our faces and that's what returned me from my thoughts to reality..
'I had to run from there before they sees my face' i thought to myself ". Aishh this school would break me" i said out loud without even realizing..
Now it gonna be a longggg Day at this for me!!
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