Wei Zhu Qing and her opponent had leapt away to continue their battle elsewhere, and again, the rest followed suit, as the initial battle shifted a good distance away from the abyss.

Even the white shield that had been protecting Zhao ZhuYong and Shuǐ ChangSheng, quaked around them, and Zhao ZhuYong hastily leapt away with his friend.

Yin Long shifted his foot slightly, and held his free hand in a seal. A giant Yin-yang appeared beneath them, and Yun Qin hastily leapt away, as numerous swords emerged from the large symbol, and began to attack Yun Qin.

Shuǐ ChénLín's illusory Swords were no where on the level of these ones, and though Yun Qin found them a bit easy to block or destroy, even he didn't seem to be taking them lightly.

While Yun Qin fought off the illusory swords, Yin Long appeared before Zhao ZhuYong and Shuǐ ChangSheng. "You two... I will leave this to you." He said, holding out his palm.

A bright blue wisp of smoke appeared, hovering above his palm for a moment, and then floating over to them.

"My ice seal is within LanFen, so this will lead you to where she is. Go and bring her back!" And with that, he locked them within a qi shield, which blocked out the sights and sounds of the battle.

Zhao ZhuYong and Shuǐ ChangSheng felt the shield lift of the floor, and in the next instant, they were speeding toward the abyss...


Meanwhile, deep in the abyss, LanFen took a deep breath, then stepped into the gaping cave. The light talismans followed at her direction, but only a few steps in, and they completely vanished, leaving her in abject darkness.

More surprising, Shushu's aura had completely disappeared. "Shushu!" She called out several times, but to no response.

She was suddenly filled with fear, and took an automatic step backwards, but in that moment,

"Zhao LanFen!!" The familiar voice called out to her, and she swivelled instantly.

"Zhao LanFen!!" Shuǐ ChénLín's voice came again, and LanFen moved without realizing it.

She found herself encircled in his arms. "Shuǐ Chén!" She pulled away, then felt for his face in the dark, checking if he was fine. "How did you get here? Did Elder Shuǐ throw you into the Abyss?!!"

Several light blue orbs flared to life around them like fireflies, bathing them both in a soft light, and LanFen noticed Shuǐ ChénLín was staring down at her with a furious expression.

He had dived into the deep abyss, but had easily floated down to the ground.

Since his transformation, his senses had become impossibly heightened, and the first thing be had smelled, had been the overwhelming scent of LanFen's blood.

He had fallen to his knees, and he felt the familiar wave of pain that had washed over him at the top of the abyss.

In that pain, he had began to transform again, but this time, he caught himself.

He quickly controlled the powers and rose to his feet, refusing to assume the worst, and as if to encourage him, he felt the first flicker of LanFen's aura.

He followed the same instincts that had led him to Luo Abyss, and they had led him to a certain place.

He had disappeared and reappeared to find himself a small distance from the odd gaping cave, just in time to see LanFen step into it with Shushu.

And here he was, after following her in.

"Zhao LanFen!" Shuǐ ChénLín thundered, and his irises flashed a bright white. "How dare you do such a stupid thing?! Do you believe I will live, if anything happens to you?

That Fair-Faced 'Sage' {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now