↝ chapter one

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king of rock and roll - dio
2 | the leader of hellfire club

maude's hand was gliding, swirling, shading along the page, teeth biting down hard on her bottom lip while she concentrated, her head lifting every few seconds to study the face of her subject across the cafeteria; eddie munson. he was sitting at the edge of the table across, unbeknownst, but helpfully, facing her directly. she was drawing a portrait of him, one more detailed than her other sketches. this one was to cover the length of her a4 sketchbook, and it was to be her best work yet. first she would capture him sitting, finding a pose that made him most powerful— leaning back, elbows resting on the chair's arms and fingers lightly intertwined, eyes staring ahead, right into your soul. and the chair, she was to draw him a mighty throne of swords and bone, best suited for the leader of the hellfire club.

she thought that she might give it to him. a graduation present, or an admittance— a reveal, of her fondness for him. whatever it would be, it had to be perfect, and it had to capture him in his entirety, so he would know. so that he would know that she understood him, that to her he wasn't a freak or a loser or anything dehumanising. he was so much more— creative, goofy, free-spirited, the leader of all black sheep. she knew this, even if just from afar.

"... and even... MURDER!"

maude's attention was instantly drawn to his voice as it rose above the chatter of the cafeteria. he was goofing off with his friends, his dimples growing as he grinned. the recent members of their club approached the table nervously. dustin henderson and mike wheeler, without their usual two friends lucas sinclair, and will byers— who had moved to california. maude noticed much about this group of boys in her time observing. the hushed whispers, the frantic rushing around— the mysterious girl who rode on the front of mike's bike, and seemingly disappeared, the panic in their eyes some days. most things had been observed out of school as it was only their first year of high school, but even so she had still noticed their odd behaviour. they fit in so well with eddie— he'd welcomed them to his club openly, taken them under his wings, accepted them.

"—as long as you're into band," eddie suddenly jumped up onto the table. maude couldn't look away, she even gasped. "or science... or parties... or a GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!"

from across the cafeteria, one of the jocks rose from the table where the basketballers and cheerleaders resided. embroidered on his lettermen jacket was the name jason. "you want something, freak?"

eddie rose his hands to his head and pointed his fingers, sticking his tongue out and spluttering demonic noises. maude began to giggle, and covered her mouth to suppress it— not that anyone would notice or hear her.

eddie turned back to his friends. "it's forced conforming. that's what's KILLING THE KIDS!" he rushed off the table, spooking a girl who bypassed. maude couldn't believe her eyes. couldn't believe him. he was so thunderous, so unbound and deviant. what about him was freakish— his confidence? his ability to be openly forthright about his personality? his ability to reject the conformity of their generation so directly? she thought people ought to be praising him for his fearlessness.

"no! over my dead body."

"shut up!" eddie bellowed, silencing the complaints of his friends. maude could only hear their conversation whenever their voices would raise above the height of the cafeteria, and she wished so deeply that she were sitting with them on that table, sporting her own hellfire club shirt, sketching each of their chosen characters, sketching her own chosen character. she'd thought about what she might name her character— maude rockheart, or something along the lines, soemthing better. she'd imagined her name being bestowed unto her by eddie, having thought of something clever and matching to her character.

eddie began walking in her direction— well, not exactly, but he began pacing the space before her table, bouncing lightly as he gave his speech, voice low, bit luckily enough maude knew his tone apart enough to understand him. "i'm gonna flip him the bird, i'm gonna snatch that diploma— and i'm gonna run like hell outta here!" he ran down to the edge of the cafeteria, towards the stage. two of his friends called after him, commenting on how he'd said that for two years in a row.

maude tried not to listen to the entirety of their conversation and focused back on her portrait, glimpsing up only the study the detailing of his hair; how it reacted to certain angles, shadows and highlights, the way it moved gracefully with its own air about it.

but then he pulled dustin and mike form their seats, and brought them ahead of their table, into the clearing, and his eyes began roaming the cafeteria, finger pointing along its mass. maude waited for his eyes to catch her, for his finger to stop and point. for him to finally see her.

but that never happened. and maude wondered why she thought it ever would.

yay!! chapter one <3
eddie content— some of his best quotes, though everything he says is iconic, is it not? all worthy of t-shirts and praise and to be included in edits.

things are only going down (or up that) hill from here!!

ch(rissy)elsie <3

his shadow | eddie munsonWhere stories live. Discover now