Opening the door, they both slipped inside, luckily nobody was there, and they faced a hallway with many doors. "Which door is it?" "I'm- not sure." "Well, we betta start lookin'." Walking down the reasonably long but not too long hallway they looked in every door, but cautiously. The one door Emma opened lead to a torture chamber with some dry blood on the back and seat. With wide eyes she slowly closed the door, Scout walked beside her and saw her blank but shook expression. "What happened?" Deflecting the question, she asked her own. "Where did Spy disappear to?" Furrowing his brows, he answered nonetheless with a shrug. "Beats me." Nodding at him they continued.

Opening the third last door she finally made it to the room she was looking for. Turning to tell Scout the good news he was not behind her. Frowning at his disappearance she kept looking back and forth but knew he wouldn't go too far. Closing the door behind her she looked in the file cabinets, her fingertips felt the paper and cardboard separating each file. Reaching a thick file, she pulled it out and it was the one they were looking for. Getting the file was the easy part now she needed to get out.

Cracking the door slightly open she peaked out hearing voices and footsteps in the distance. The BLU team was walking around more. Scout, what did you do? About to open the door fully she heard someone approach. Not moving she saw a BLU Scout walk by with a shotgun in hand, stopping slightly past her door. Taking out his communicator she heard BLU Engineer's voice. "There are three intruders in the base. Find them." "Ya got it!" Frozen by the news she franticly looked around the room for something to use against him. She didn't want to kill him, and she didn't trust herself to hit him hard enough. Her eyes landed on the metal chair in the room, and she sighed silently. Placing the file on the table she took the chair, opened the door a little more and saw he was still there. Taking a deep breathe she rushed him silently, hitting him over the head. His head flew slightly forward making him face plant the floor. Cringing and sucking air threw her teeth she dropped the chair and wanted to help him. Stopping herself she knew it was dumb to do that. "I'm so sorry... BLU... Scout." Grabbing the file, she looked back at BLU Scout. "That's very unsettling."

Walking along the wall she retraced her steps from where she came in and where they lost Spy. Her heart raced in her chest, and she was afraid someone might hear it. Almost at the exit her communicator beeped making her jump and hug the files tighter. Pulling out her communicator it was Scout. "Where are ya?" "Where am I!? Where the hell did you disappear to!?" "Do ya have the file!?" Slightly mad that he didn't answer her, she pushed it away and answered him. "Yes, I have the file. I'm going to the van." "Ok, see ya there." Switching the communicator off in her ear she frowned and cursed him silently. Walking out it was already pitch-black outside with the stars painting the dark sky. Staying in the same shadows as before she was about to make it to the hill. But suddenly alarms blared, and spotlights turned on.

Sniper, still in his place, could see Emma and that she was completely exposed. Panic fuelled him and he quickly scanned around her to make sure nobody was approaching. A BLU Heavy and Demoman saw her. Taking them out Emma quickly ran back to the building to seek shelter. Scout instantly ran out of one of the buildings and threw smoke grenades. The entire area was covered in smoke making Sniper panic. He couldn't see her or see if she was safe.

Sitting quietly Emma scanned her surroundings but she couldn't see anything. Grabbed by the arm panic filled her chest, moving the file to the side and punching the invisible person. Uncloaking Spy frowned at her but wasn't mad because she did it out of self-defense. "Don't scare me like that!" "Do yee have the file?" Furrowing her brows at him she spat, "YES, I have the damn file!" "Good. Give it to me!" Reluctantly placing it in his open hand he released her arm. "Get to the van, mon cher!" Cloaking once more she sighed looking around, hearing Scout or a Scout going off. "OH YEA! BONK!" Walking in a direction she felt lead to the van she placed one hand on the berretta. The further she went the less smoke there was. Almost there. Hearing something behind her she took out the berretta and pointed it in the general direction, but she still couldn't see. "Scout? Spy?" The smoke made disfigured shadows as the spotlights illuminated the area, but she was too far for them to actually work. "Sniper?" Her voice was barely over a whisper, hopeful almost.

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