She smiles and I see her look at Billy but it falters for just a sec before it's back and I notice Billy has been staring at me this entire time.

I say,"I guess I'll see you around Billy."

He leans down and says,"I'll come by for lunch."

I smile and say,"Ok."

Max takes my hand and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. I look at Billy and he's standing there watching and I give him a smile before turning the corner with Max.

We head to our classes and they pair us up the first teacher looked at me weirdly and asked me and Max to tell the class about us.

I say,"I read. I listen to metal. Don't piss me off."

Max gave her intro and we were done. It's lunch time and Max and I head outside. We go to this giant tree that's between the middle and high school. And I see some guy and he's acting goofy. I giggle as he makes a funny face and he looks at me. My heart instantly stops as I see his face. It's breathtaking and he's wearing a Hellfire Club shirt, under a jean jacket.

He waves and gives me a small smile and I wave back. He motions for me to come over and I look at Max who shrugs. I head over and the guy smiles.

"Aren't you a little old to be at the middle school?", he asks.

I say,"Let's just say school and I don't get along. Among other things."

He smiles and holds out his hand palm up and says,"Eddie. Eddie Munson."

I place my hand in his and say,"Adora. You'll get my last name when I seen you worthy."

He smiles and I say,"Love your shirt by the way."

He asks,"Yiu listen to Metallica?"

I nod and say,"James Hettfield is sometimes the only thing that gets me to sleep."

Eddie smiles and I hear someone yell,"Adora!"

I turn and see Billy next to Max.

I say,"Ummm I've got to go. I'm new around here if you couldn't tell and it was wonderful meeting you Eddie. A true pleasure."

Eddie gives me a small smile and I say,"I'll see you around Eddie. We can talk more bands next time."

Eddie says,"Totally."

I head back over to Billy and sit with Max and pull out my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Billy asks,"Who was that?"

I look at Eddie and see him watching and smile.

I say,"I made a new friend."

Billy looks at Eddie who has looked away by now and I say,"Billy will you sit down and eat."

He does and we talk and get to know each other. The bell rings and we go back to school and finish out the day. Dad had called the school and the teacher gave me a note at the end of my last class saying he's unable to pick me up from school. I say goodbye to Max and start towards home. Billy calls out my name and smiles at me and I wave back before turning and resuming my walk home. A huge van pulls up beside me and I instantly jump back only to see Eddie's head pop out.

He asks,"Hey Adora, you need a ride home? I'm heading that way anyway."

I ask,"Are you sure?"

A car peels out of the driveway and I see it's Billy and he doesn't look happy.

Eddie replies,"Yes sweetheart. Come on."

I hop in and he starts driving with Metallica on the radio.

He turns it down and asks,"How was your day at school?"

I reply,"It was ok. People kept staring at me. It's cause I'm older than them."

Eddie asks,"You're 17 right?"

I reply,"16 going to be 17."

He replies,"Same age as me."

I smile and he asks,"What are you doing in middle school though?"

I reply,"School and I don't get my mother didn't really believe in school til I was like 5 or 6 and she finally put me in kindergarten."

Eddie looks at me confused and I say,"Yeah I'm still confused on that myself."

He asks,"Are you having trouble with school?"

I reply,"I'm not very good at math, history, and science."

He smiles and says,"I can help you."

I giggle,"Aren't you going to be made fun of for helping out a middle schooler?"

He says,"I don't care."

I smile and say,"I really could use the help. I won't pass my classes otherwise."

He replies,"Fine. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning and we can head to school together."

I reply,"I don't think my dad's going to like that."

Eddie replies,"Are you kidding? Dads love me."

I point where to turn and Eddie turns.

I say,"You are in high school."

He says,"As you should be."

I tell him where to stop and he stops outside my house. I get out and turn to see Eddie watching me. My mom comes outside and calls out to me and I turn.

She says,"Come on in. Bring your new friend too."

I blush as Eddie smiles.

He says,"Sweetheart, I could eat."

I say,"Come on in then."

Eddie gets out and he holds his arm out to me. I look at him confused and he rolls his eyes with a smile.

He says,"Put your arm through mine, Adora."

I do and we head up to my house and my mom is there. She looks Eddie over and I see her going through so many different things in her head but then I see she smiles.

Eddie says,"Good evening ma'am. I would have brought flowers for you if I had known I'd be staying for dinner."

She visibly relaxes as he says,"Please take my sincerest apologies for not having anything to welcome you or say thank you with."

My mom says,"You're forgiven."

I say,"Mom this is Eddie. He is willing to help me with my classes so I don't fail. He's my friend."

She says,"Nice to meet you Eddie. You may call me Mrs. Dragomir."

I look down as Eddie looks at me with wide eyes.

He says,"Whoa. Your last name is super cool."

I reply,"Thanks."

My mom ushers us inside and closes the door.

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