"Welcome To Los Angeles"

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Families were filing law suits all over the news, celebs were going missing still, rapidly. And since the police were barely doing anything about it, everyone wanted to sue. "I realize this is a very difficult time, and believe me, we are doing everything in our power to prevent these kidnappings from going any further. If you or someone you know have any information that you think is beneficial towards this investigation, please come forward. For everyone else, we will find them." the president of the united states said, as he stood at a podium, on TV. 

"For now, the kidnappings tend to only happen at night, so we are setting up a curfew, everyone needs to be in there homes by 7 o clock sharp. If not, you will be arrested and taken home by the police" an officer said, as i rolled my eyes. "If you are to leave the house, please be with a friend or a bodyguard of some sort, never go out alone. Especially not in the night" another officer said. And at the point i muted the TV. So a curfew? that's there best solution for stopping this? 

When i met up with the gang after school, i mentioned the news to them, but they didn't seem all that phased by it. "Yeah sure, they'll have there bodyguards, and we'll have our guard dogs" Trix said, as i was confused. "We have a guard.. dogs?" i asked, as Quinn nodded, sucking on another lollipop. I followed them to the back of the hideout, as Beck opened a sliding fenced door, to reveal loud barking German Shepherds. "These bad boys have rabies, so there is no way anyone is going to want to go anywhere near Sylvester and Silver" Damon said, as i swallowed hard. "Don't worry, they're trained not to hurt us, only the ones who don't smell like us" Trix said, as Damon chuckled.

 "Well Cole doesn't smell like us.." Beck says, as he folded his arms with an evil grin. 

"Go on cub scout, stick your hand in the cage, so they can get your scent" Damon said, "I'll pass..." i said, taking a step back. "Don't worry, they won't bite.. well, unless they smell fear" Quinn said, as everyone was laughing now. "We all did this when we joined the gang Cole, you wanna be one of us? this is how you start" Trix said, as he nodded towards the dogs. "Um.." i said, as my heart was racing. I then stepped towards the barking dogs, inching closer to there cage, as i tried to steady my shaking hands. "That's it, nice and easy, take your time" Damon said, as Beck punched him on the arm laughing. 

I glared at him, before turning back to the dogs, and reaching my hand towards the cage. They were still barking violently at me. But i persevered, even though my hand was trembling. Once it was the cage, i shut my eyes in fear, not wanting to witness the detachment of my limbs. But the barking stopped, and i felt there wet noses on my fingers, smelling eagerly. My eyes slowly opened, as the strangest thing happened. They placed there paw on top of my hand. "Welcome to gang, Cole" Quinn said, as they pulled me back. A rush of relief arose off of me, as we walked out of the back area, where the dogs were being held. 

At the next kidnapping, this celebrity put up a fight, as they were out walking there dog, who was too busy barking at the guard dogs. But Trix trapped the dog in a carrier, as the celeb ran from Silver and Sylvester. "We got a runner!" he yelled, "I'm coming!" Damon sad, as he swung the van around the next corner to keep up with them. "Beck, you're on" Quinn said, as she opened the sliding door. We watched on the camera monitors, as Beck tried to calm the celeb down, by being a fan, and pretending to get them help. But then Trix came up behind them, and placed a cloth over there mouth, as they fell unconscious. 

They were placed in the van, as Quinn was already swapping the security camera's footage. "What are we gonna do with the dog?" i asked, as it was whining and barking in the carrier. "You'll see" Beck said, hoping in the van lastly, as we carried off down the street. "Cole" Beck said, as we made it to the hideout. "Back here, is where we keep all the things celebs have or lose during the snatch" he said, as he showed me another back room. Filled with belongings, cars, and even pets. "What do you do with all of this? keep for yourself?" i asked, as he laughed, placing the carrier on top of a shelf next to other pets. "No, we auction these off" he said. 

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