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After a couple days later, more celebrities were going missing, one by one, day by day, and i still haven't seen any of the cops put forth the effort to even look for these innocent lives. Not a single one. All people were doing online were trending and bidding on who was going to be kidnapped next. Like a deadpool or something. Everyone was acting as if this was a joke, and a part of me was assuming maybe it was human trafficking.

 But no one wanted to discuss that with me. 

"How is everything there? is is just like we saw in the movies? parties, shopping, washed up white kids, blah blah blah" Keisha asked, as we spoke on the phone, will i laid out by the pool in our backyard. "Yeah sort of but not really, just a bunch of kidnappings, celebrities going missing, gang violence.. you know... the usual" i said, as she sounded like she almost choked on the information she was digesting. "Wait, what!? girl spill!" she said, "there's nothing to spill, that's pretty much the jist of it." i said, as she sighed. 

"What are the police doing about this?" she asked, as i sighed as well. "Nothing, and that's what sucks. I literally watched J-Lo get kidnapped with my own eyes and what did they do? arrest me cause they assumed i stole her wallet" i said, as she laughed, but then pretended to cough. "Gosh, sorry that.. uh sucks" she said, as there was silence and then i laughed. "Yes it did suck.. and believe me it wasn't funny at the time. I don't even know what i'm suppose to do" i said, as i fiddled with my bikini string. "Well, you're the only one who cares about these mysterious kidnappings right?" Kiesha asked, as i nodded. "Yeah, but so.." i said. 

"So, do something about it, if the police won't.. then you've got the green light" she said, "yeah, until i get caught again.. then it's game over." i said, as there was silence on her end. "But what if by then, you found out who was doing this and actually made a difference to these celebs. You know like that one girl you're always talking about, who saved social media last year.." she said, as a giddy smile spread across my face. "Xoe Zodiac?" i asked, "DUH!" she said, as we laughed. 

"What if i'm just not as brave as she is.." i said, "maybe you're right, maybe you're not as brave.. maybe you're braver" she said, as i smiled. But then my phone vibrated, as i check the notification. 

Brennan: Party tonight at Kenneth's, meet us there?

"Hey, i gotta go, but i'll call you later okay?" i said, "yeah okay, love you in case you die" she said, as i chuckled. "I love you in case you die" i said, as i hung up the phone. A party in Beverly Hills? that sounded interesting, at least this way i could let loose and try to forget about all the chaos happening with Hollywood stars. Superhero tomorrow, normal seventeen year old tonight. 

I threw on a skinny tight black dress, some ankle boots, which were my favorite, and parted my braids half up into a bun, with the rest of my braids down. Applied some mascara, a little eye shadow, and some gloss, before grabbing a handbag, from one of my moving boxes. Still haven't fully unpacked yet. "Where are you going all dolled up?" my mom asked, as she sat at the kitchen table, looking over bills, with her reading glasses. "A party.." i said, as she took off her glasses and gave me a look once again. I grabbed a water from the fridge, "don't worry, i am locked and loaded with pepper spray" i said, as she laughed, before shaking her head. 

"That's not what i mean, you literally just got arrested and now you're headed to party on a school night?" she asked, as i slightly rolled my eyes. "Taylor, it is Thursday" she said, as i gave her an "and?" look. "Be back by ten" she said, looking back at the papers in front of her. The place was still a mess with boxes everywhere and a few pieces of furniture were still wrapped up. We we were taking our time with unpacking, which anyone who walked in could see. But the truth was i was never in a hurry to, a part of me figured we might move back. But maybe that was just hope still lingering. 

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