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If the weight of the world was in your hands, would you stand by and wait for someone else to take credit for saving it? or would you get up and do something about it? something that only you had the balls to do. Or were even capable of doing... apparently that's what it feels like moving from Chicago to Los Angeles. No, i'm not being dramatic. Sure our house here in Chicago, wasn't the biggest or the best, compared to houses and home life in Los Angeles. But it doesn't matter to me what a house looks like, that's not what makes it a home. 

A home, to me, is a place where you live, where you love, where you laugh, despite the cracks in the plaster or the holes in the carpets. Despite the prickled ceilings and the small bedrooms. Or that hole in the wall of the bathroom, that can only fit one person at a time. I've made friends here, became a family here. Until of course my dad left. And just like that this place became a reminder of what we lost, instead of a home that it became before. 

It was crazy, how easily i could pack up this room, as if i was leaving nothing but walls, a ceiling, a screenless window, and brown carpet behind. I was abandoning memories, memories that were made here, that shaped me into the woman i am today. That comforted me through hard times, and aided me into health. Moving away from this house, from this state, was much more than just leaving. It was a mistake, or so i thought. 

"Taylor! hurry up we're gonna be late!" my mother yelled from down the hall, as i taped the last box in my room, and placed it on top of another. I eyed the room one last time, before walking over to the window and seeing my friends, waiting for me near my mother's volvo. They honked, as i grew teary eyed, but smiled regardless. I hated that i was leaving them behind too. Of course we promised to stay in touch, but i knew things wouldn't be the same. 

I used the box lift and lifted my last two boxes out of my room,  as i walked down the halls, eyeing the walls that use to have photos of my mom and i. But now they were just vacant. I piled the boxes into the backseat of my mom's car, as she slammed the trunk closed. Kiesha, my oldest friend, the one i've known since elementary school was already in tears. We had promised each other to head into the same high school. 

Her skin was darker than mine, and her eyes always broke the barrier of what her mouth couldn't say. The way her tears fell down her cheeks, and how green and beautiful the gateways to her soul were. I pulled her into a hug, as i could feel her try not to bawl into my shoulder. "We're gonna come visit you like.. all the time" Mira said, my other best friend that joined my side in middle school. "Of course" i said, as i was trying to hold back tears. I didn't want my mother to know she was ruining my life. Not yet. 

"I'll come back and visit you guys on every holiday, and every birthday, i promise" i said, as i group hugged them. "Where's Tasha?" i asked, as we looked around, after embracing each other. "I told her 10 am, and she said she would be here" Mira said, as she checked her phone. She was lighter than all of us, an albino. Her hair was so curly and beautiful and i wish i had those natural curls. But of course, my signature move was braids. Any kind of braids to be honest. 

"Well Taylor we gotta go" my mom said, as she sat in the driver's seat all ready. "We can't just wait a few more minutes? Tasha's not here yet" i said, as she looked at her watch. "No we really can't, i really wanna beat traffic" she said, as i glared at her. "I'm sure she says goodbye wherever she may be right now" Keisha said, as i sighed and nodded. I then took there hands in mine, before walking over to the passenger side and slowly opening the door. 

They waved, as Keisha put an arm around Mira and they held each other, watching me get into the car. A tear fell down, as i wiped it away, while staring at the rear view mirror of my hearts. My mother then started the car, as Mira and Kiesha turned to see Tasha running around the corner waving her arms. "Mom!" i yelled, but we were already down the road, and my best friends were already too far away. Tasha started to run after the car, as i rolled down my window and stuck my head out. "I love you!! and i'll see you soon!" i yelled, as she stopped. And mouthed "i love you too" before crying and waving bye to me. I did so as well, as we pulled off into the street. 

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