Chapter Twenty-Three

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You must have dozed off because the next thing you know, there are other students walking past the van. You can hear them talking vaguely and don't even bother to listen in and try to figure out if anything happened with Nick. 

Your head was pounding and your eyes were somehow dry and raw simultaneously. You could tell your makeup was running down your cheeks. You sat there for about five more minutes until the crowd outside the car had significantly thinned out. Then, you heard the door to the front seat open. 

Without looking, Eddie said "Hey princess." 

You didn't say anything and pulled your knees up to your chest, clutching them and staring out the one window on the double back door. 

He wordlessly steps out of the car, returning sometime later with Robin in tow. 

You can hear her "What do you mean she's in the back? Did you kidnap her?" 

"Shh just be quiet for a second, it's really bad." He says, opening the back doors allowing light to flood your eyes. You put a hand up to block out the sun. 

Robin doesn't know what to say, so she just climbs into the back next to you and silently pulls you into a hug. You clutch onto her as if she's the only thing grounding you, keeping your eyes fused shut against her shoulder, and let out another round of chest-heaving sobs. 

Eddie doesn't say anything, but it's clear he wants to. You're glad that he can tell you need to talk to Robin first. After all, she knew the most about everything with Nick pre-parking lot.

After some time, you say "Nothing's changed." 

"Hm?" She hums in confusion.

"Nothing's changed," You repeat "They're not going to do anything." 

"Whose not going to do anything." 

"Anyone!" You exclaim "He's not even in trouble, just suspended. I got suspended, too but I didn't do anything. Rob, I didn't do anything wrong, I promise." 

"Shhh," She soothes "I know you didn't, I know." 

Eddie comes into the car now, too, silently putting a hand on your shoulder. 

You slowly let go of Robin and turn to him "I'm sorry, I got you in trouble." 

"Hey now, it's ok." He says, his eyes softening and focusing in on you "If anything I got you in trouble, kid." 

You can't help but laugh as you move to lean on him "Don't call me kid." You say with a sniffle.

"C'mon, Y/N," Robin says, getting up to a crouching position "Let's get you home." 

You look at her feeling slightly guilty, then you look back at Eddie "I'm kind of staying at his place for the week." 

"Why?" She asks. 

"I don't know, I just feel safer there? Nick doesn't know where he lives so," You trail off.

 "Ok," She responds skeptically "But we're not done talking about this." 

"Ok." Is all you say before falling silent once again.

 Eddie climbs to the front of the car and starts it, driving towards the trailer park. 

Once you all arrive, you begin your regular de-transformation of removing your make-up and shoes, changing almost imideatly into one of Ed's shirts and a pair of shorts. Robin stands in the living area awkwardly before asking to use the phone. 

"Yeah, I don't care." Eddie replies. 

You don't know who she's calling, but you hear her say the address and "Come quick." You choose not to worry about it, you trust her. Also, you know you'll need to call your parents before the school does, and maybe it would be better for as many people as possible to be around you when you do. 

It feels like mere seconds go by before there's a frantic knocking at the door. Robin answers it and can't even get a "Hi," out before Steve is pushing past both her and Eddie.

"Y/N," He says breathlessly before pulling you into a bear hug "What happened?" 

This time, you feel more confident in your words as you tell him about the fight, Nick, and your impending suspension. He takes in all of the information wordlessly, hanging onto your every word. 

At the end of it, he tries his best to deflect what he really wants to say and instead offers "Why don't we buy out the ice cream section at the market?" 

It's a unanimous agreement as you all pile into Steve's car and zoom off once again into the distance. Walking around the store, looking for different flavors and mix-ins, both Robin and Steve notice your holding Eddie's hand and leaning heavily on his shoulder, the eye's still ever so slightly bloodshot. 

"What's that about?" Robin asks Steve in a whisper.

 He looks between you and Ed, then back at Robin "What'dya mean?" 

"They're holding hands." She says interlocking her own in demonstration. 


"So, why would they be holding hands?" 

"Y/N's a touchy person, you know that." 

"I don't know," Robing sighs "It just feels different, y'know?" 

"No, I don't know. They look normal to me, dude." 

Robin just scoffs "Y/N's sleeping at his house." She says, walking past him smugly "I bet you didn't know that." 

"I," He looks down at the ice cream in his hand "Did not." 

Steve pays for everything, like the gentleman he is, and only complains slightly about how expensive the purchase is and how poor he is. 

You pile back into his car and head to the trailer park again. 

Always and Forever (YN x Eddie Munson - Stranger Things S4)Where stories live. Discover now