Chapter Three

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I Probably won't be adding chapter titles from here on out as I don't feel like thinking of a couple of words to describe each chapter. 

When Eddie got back to his trailer, he could barely contain his excitement. Or, his anger. He was over the moon that you've noticed him, that you remembered his band, and most of all, how you were about three degrees away from kissing him on the cheek. 

But he hated the way that this had started. He just finished a deal with Chrissy, she left before him so it must have not started yet. It's a god damned sin that he had to meet you this way. It's going to take everything in him not to beat the living shit out of Nick tomorrow, but then again, maybe he could use a good fucking beating. I

It brought a small amount of peace and justice to Eddie's mind to know he clocked nick good with that rock before booking it. But, the next time (because there will be a next time) they get into it, he wants Nick to know who put him in his place 

Eddie. "The Freak". Munson. 

As he spirals deeper and deeper into his thoughts, the phone rings with you on the other end. 

He picks it up "Hello? Uncle isn't here right now so if you're calling about rent again I-"

You cut him off before he can finish "Eddie, it's me." you think to yourself he might not know who 'me' is "Y/N. It's Y/N, sorry." 

He's filled with new, hot rage "Did he come to your house what's going on are you ok?" He asks in one breath. 

It surprises you how much he cares, though, after all, he's done today it shouldn't. 

"Yeah, no, I'm ok. I was just, I guess, making sure I had the right number. " You mentally kick yourself for not leading with that instead of 'It's me'.

He breathes a sigh of relief into the phone "Jesus Christ, you scared me." Now considerably calmer, he sits down next to the phone. "Well," He kicks up his feet "You have reached the Muson Mansion. Or as I like to call it, the Munsion." 

His stupid little pun makes you laugh harder than you might with someone else. Someone less... Him.  The two of you talk for a couple of minutes before you decide to bid him a good night and hang up. The only problem is, you're not tired. 

You should be, considering all the crying, kicking, and screaming. But you're not. You decide as a last-ditch effort to get a little more out of it to put on your headphones and do something creative. 

You don't feel like drawing, and the inspiration well has run dry. As you're sitting at your desk, tapping your foot to "Running up the Hill", your eyes land on the crinkled-up paper with Eddie's number on it.  Suddenly, you have an idea as to what to do. 

You grab the paper, an Index card, some washi tape, and various other stationery supplies. Getting to work, you first copy Eddie's Name on the pink index card in your best handwriting. The best you've ever done, one might argue. This action alone takes about 2 and a half full minutes. 

Then, you cover the borders with some fancy purple tape. Laughing to yourself as you think about how anti-Eddie this look, all pink and sparkly. You also decide to make little doodles of skulls and music notes around the card. You're no artist, but it doesn't turn out half-bad. 

You take out a relatively empty Rolodex and carefully clip his card into place. As an afterthought, you take out a bright red gel pen and draw the smallest heart next to his name. You hold it farther away from your face to admire your handy-work

Eddie Munson 💗


All in all, you wasted about 15 minutes on this small project. While it wasn't a very long project, you feel a sense of accomplishment having finished something in the creative department. 

You lay down in your bed, walkman still playing, and drift into a blissfully uneventful sleep. 

-~-~-The Next Day, School-~-~-

You were supposed to wear your cheer uniform today but, when you put it on this morning you felt like you might barf. The sickening memories of last night seem to flood your mind and drown all other thoughts. 

You changed into some jeans and a hoodie at the last possible second so that your parents couldn't make you change back into the uniform. 

Throughout the whole day, it's like you're on autopiolet. Like, nothing that could happen would affect you because you're not really there. On your way to some of your classes you hear your name in whispered tones coming from other students, probably just about your outfit of the day, so you carry on like nothing's wrong. 

Although, your head, usually held high and mighty, is down as you study the floor of your school. 

At the end of the day when you go to your locker, a wave of notes comes flying out and spill onto the floor. 

You pick them up and read them one by one, each of them stabbing you in the heart as you start crying right there in the middle of the hall. 





Why don't you fuck me next

I'll find you 

Learn your place


With the last of the threats carefully picked up and disposed of, you see a note written on red paper unlike a lined notebook paper everything else was written on. 

It's from Eddie.

Hellfire room, 2:30- EM

You're filled with fear and regret. It's almost the exact same as your note from Nick the previous day. 

How could you let this keep happening? How could you be so stupid as to trust him? 

You think to yourself that you should go to the room and tell him off in person. Tell him off for being like any other guy in this fucking school. 

No, in this fuking Town. 

You peek at your watch, 2:15. 

Finalizing what you're going to say to him, you take off towards the Hellfire club room to meet with Eddie.

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