"Wow he ran faster then the flash?" The other man laughed and Ryker said "Yeah he'd be great in the Olympics" That's literally what I just thought. The other man and Ryker I guess were on speaking terms and friends. "So are you guys friends?" he smiled and the guard laughed. "Yes we're besties" Ryker sat on the desk. "Oh please we aren't friends. We're cousins!" he winked and the guard tilted his head. "She thought you treated me special?" Ryker looked up "I never treat a guard who not my family good. They aren't allowed to talk?" I choked. "What?" he smiled  the guard laughed. "Omg girl your easy!" I pinched my nose. "You wish!" and Ryker leaned back. 

"Whenever you want it baby" he winked and I walked off sighing. "Men are pigs!" they both laughed behind me. "So what's your name?" Grabbing a coke behind me Jillian sat down next to me. "Are you ready? I smiled "Why are you tired of waiting?" I smiled and leaned back. He looked at me "I'd wait forever because you're mine!" he said. 

"I belong to no one!" I sat in a tone that meant I wasn't kidding. The solider laughed. 

"Wow she's a firecracker. I can see why you like her?" I looked at the solider "Your name?" He laughed and Ryker looked at him then me. "Tell her?" the solider looked at his boss. "It's Thomas!" and I shook my head. "Thomas doesn't sound Russian?" he laughed harder. "I'm a solider no a future don!" he said as he stood up as the doorbell rang. 

"That's him!" Jillian freaked and the solider stared at her. "She's cute!" he said as she walked to the door. "She's taken!" he stared after and looked back at me. "Well there's no ring on her hand. So she's available!" he leaned back and drank his drink. "She'll come around" he whispered to Ryker. 

"Don't mess up my date?" Ryker stared at Thomas and all he could do was laugh. "Like I could" he stood up. He moved closer to me and leaned down "Step back!" he looked at me as his eyes twinkled and his lips turned up in a smile. "Don't worry pretty girl. I only got all good intentions" he winked and stepped back. "Let's go?" he stood tall and held out his hand and I took it. I knew I was gonna be in trouble. I was diving head first into a date I was not ready for. He was a man. I've never even dated before. I was so-so screwed. I walked to the door as it rang once more. As i walked closer I heard Jillian talking to someone. Then I saw him.

 "Hey Andy!" he stopped and looked back at me "Haha funny one!" He moved around Jillian "Oh Jilly Bean she looks as good as you but your ass is fire" he said with a wink. I heard a slight growl come from behind me. "I wouldn't say that again!" Omg really. "Oh macho man. He's a friend" I slapped his chest lightly. It was like slapping a wall. He was all muscle. "Wow your like a wall." He smiled. "I work out baby" he said as Jillian choked on her drink. "Really let me see?" she joked. Wyatt eyed her. "That's not funny" he said "Chill out macho jr" she winked at  me.

 "Omg there both jealous-they can be in a band" they laughed. "Yes but there is already a Jonas brothers band" they snapped their fingers and looked heartbroken in annoying way. "Shut up!" Jillian said with a smile. "Like you could be Nick-Please?" I rolled my eyes. He gasped and Ryker laughed. "I'm hotter!" Wyatt said "Yes if we blinded you with a hood of Andy berserk!"

 Jillian said with a humorous laugh. "What is with you guys obsession's with that guy?" he asked as we exited the house and the door closed behind us. Hitting the alarm as we saw what sat in the driveway. Have you seen him-he's hot as hell?" Jillian laughed as Wyatt stared daggers at her. "Omg!" As we walked out I saw what had to be the nicest SUV sitting there. It was a Ferrari SUV. The SUV was amazing as Ryker opened the door and we got in. I finally was able to relax. I breathed in and out. "So how's Barbie?" I asked him. He slide in next to me and sighed. "Really you gotta mention her?" I laughed. "It was funny!" he shook his head.

 "She's tight!" as he spoke I could he regretted it as soon as it came out of his mouth. "Nice maybe she can be your date?" and turned to open the door. I was annoyed now. I mean how dare he bring that up. Why would he do that? It kept going through my head over and over. "I am sorry!" he whispered and held my hand. I looked back at me and nodded. "Don't mention it again." He smiled. "Same goes for you pretty girl. You gotta deal!" he nodded and stared at me. 

"Got it!" he started the car and drove out of the driveway and into the street. It was a nice night. The stars were shining and the moon was high in the sky and I just knew the man was smiling down at me. 

This is the outfit Libra is wearing!!!

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This is the outfit Libra is wearing!!!

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