Assassin Sights Part III

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Allister Alan knocks the nearest Neo-Vandal to the ground after they return with The Black Doll from their botched assassination attempt of Secretary Peters. Inside that old, run down movie theater, Allister paces up and down the stage, The Black Doll up there with him and two NV on the floor below them. Allister walks to the edge of the stage to address them.

Allister- "How dare you let those roaches touch my beautiful daughter! Look at this mark on her face!"

Allister grabs The Black Doll's cheek, pointing out the bruise from Zinagata. His voice trembles with anger.

Allister- "It's bad enough you failed, but you leave my precious girl defenseless! I will expect more from you in the future."

Turns to his daughter and kisses her on the cheek but a little too close to the mouth for comfort for the watching Neo-Vandals.

Allister- "You wont have another hair on your head harmed my little girl."

Allister takes a seat on the chair he has on stage and bridges his fingers together. The others wait for his word.

Allister- "I will contact Laciox and tell him we need more of you. I will also communicate to him the importance of my daughter's safety. I know you are only drones that do as he says, so if I want the point to get across, it must be directed at him."

Neo-Vandal 3- "Understood Mr. Alan."

Allister- "Gather everybody that is left. Afterall, we still have another target we need to hit."


Zinagata, Jessie, Ryannus and Westin relax in the recreation room back at the Riuken lofts. They sit at a kitchen bar, still in their suits, passing the time after their intense fight from earlier. They remain on stand-by incase something else comes up. While Zinagata and Westin are distracted eating their meals, Ryannus and Jessie occasionally look up at each other across the countertop in between bites, trying to hide their smiles. Neither one able to get their mind off that kiss.

Westin get's up from the bar and walks toward the counter next to the refrigerator. He grabs a white box filled with baclava, opens it and grabs one. He then turns to the others.

Westin- "Baclava? There's one more."

Ryannus- "Yeah man, let me get one."

Westin eats the one he was holding and goes back into the box for another. He takes it out with his thumb and index finger, careful not to damage the structural integrity of the delicious dessert. As he walks over to hand it to Ryannus, the bottom half layer of the baclava detaches from the rest of it and falls toward the ground. For a split second everybody panics. Their eyes pop out wide as they watch the last remaining baclava tumble to the floor.

Westin acts quickly, he slightly bends his knees and throws his hand toward it, palms open at knee level. The bottom half of the baclava falls gently into the palm of his hand. It was safe from the floor. Ryannus breathes a sigh of relief. Westin triumphantly stands back up and holds the baclava in the air, his Titan fast reflexes made the difference.

Ryannus- "Holy shit my man! You caught it!"

Jessie- "Whoaaa!"

Ryannus starts clapping for Westin, then Jessie and Zinagata join in. All three decide to then give Westin a standing ovation.

Zinagata- "Snatched it out the sky like a damn cat."

Ryannus- "My man. My man!"

Westin takes a bow for his friends while soaking in their applause.

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