Xavier: Understood.



Xavier has ordered a lieutenant to protect the area if monsters are coming again. He brings four shock troopers to act as his bodyguards. He follows Elena to the path to lead to the place where the surviving people of the fallen kingdom. As for Blaise, he'll meet up with Alria to meet the survivors of his village that fled here, hoping for reunion.

When they entered the place, he saw different sentient species living in either the tents or wooden houses they just built for home. There are also different kinds of species here.

Xavier (on thoughts): I see different species here. Maybe I should use the eyes of the identification status to know about them.

And so, he uses an ability to identify each species living in this place. Only himself can see identification status on the different species.

Xavier POV

The first thing I notice is the Beastfolk, humans with animal-identified features on their bodies, depending on their appearances—whether it's a human form with animal traits or a completely identical animal humanoid appearance. Not to mention that there are other different Beastfolks that either have full identical animal figures or have them covered in fur based on different kinds of animals. It's better to call them Wildfolk for completely identical animal beings from Beastfolk, so I won't confuse the differences between them.

There was another species called Elves; they have pointed ears and blonde hair. Maybe they are something related to the Aryan Ones that Hitler believed in, but I highly doubt that. They are way smarter than humans; however, they can be so prideful, selfish, and arrogant due to believing themselves they are superior. Hopefully, they won't become something like the Nazi Party would do back in my world, but I know it won't happen when I'm around. Anyway, I'm not going to judge them.

Then there were Dark Elves, different from the High Elves, their skin is black and they said that they are born evil and related to the Demon race. They are also the enemy of the High Elves. To me, I see racial tensions between two different elves probably because white is superior to blacks, maybe it reminds me how some Black people in the USA are being treated badly by White racists people. Those bastards. Never forgive and forget them, and I ain't gonna let this world do the same as my world. I'll make sure of it.

Next are Fauns: half-human, half-goat, and they are the opposite of Satyrs from Greek mythology. Seemingly, these Fauns are generally civilized, and they can be friendly unless they are threatened. These Fauns are way nicer than Satyrs according to their mythology. Hmm, if they exist, would it mean Satyrs exist as well? Probably worth investigating to see if they exist in this world.

There were Harpies, half-human and half-bird. In mythology, they were really dangerous creatures that harmed and killed innocent people in that time. But in this world, they look sentient and more civilized than the mythical ones. Usually, Harpies are portrayed as female, but in this world, I see both males and females born as Harpies, and they wear native clothing. They are probably friendly, alright. And I can tell their attacks involve claws and firing feathers as sharpened knives.

There were Ogron/Ogress, half-human and... half-ogre? They're half-breeds. Hmm, they must be the most mixed-species I've ever seen. The horns on their foreheads are identical to the ogre origin. From what I've gathered, the ogres don't like them for being born half-breeds. I'm against their opinion towards them, and that is racist. Anyway, these guys are stronger, so no wonder why they hate them for being half-breeds. They probably regret bringing Ogrons into the world when they captured human females for rape, only to bring about a dangerous species and bring about their own doom.

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