Part 1

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The chirping of birds can be heard as they fly from one tree to the other tree as a grade 12 student boy named Prince was walking on the street in their village, a village where you can see all the types of people in a society. However, as he passed by in front of the house of his former best friend, he saw how reddish the eyes of the girl whose name is Dame, while walking towards the color black van of the girl's family.

He felt sad knowing that the issue between them remained unsolved, he himself knew that he is not mentally stable to hold a relationship as she offers herself to be his lover. And due to the reason that his depression still continues to attack him every night and then, and it seems unstoppable, he rejected her offer.

He sighed as he saw the cars passing by along the hi way and when he put his focus on his way while he was walking in the sidewalks, he was about to greet the which made him sad, for the second time to this day.

He frowned when he realized that the doctor was in a hurry and upon entering his house, seconds after, the doctor went back to his sedan, and he looked stressed well, an emotionless stressed doctor to be specific.

He continued walking towards the direction of where the school in that village is, and he was shocked, when the vehicle of the doctor suddenly breaks in the middle of the street and he was clueless on why?

When Prince was about to check the doctor's condition, he was shocked, when he just saw the doctor breath before he went out of his car.

The doctor who had a name of George went back to his house while he was calling his co doctor and a car maintenance to check his car.

He sighed as he entered back to his comfort place, his house. He sat on the couch where his golden retriever dog was patiently waiting for him, suddenly he did not notice that a lone tear was already streaming on his face as he remembered what happened at the hospital just this morning.

An old man who was in his mid-70's just lost his life at the hands of Doctor George due to the reason of esophageal cancer which he remembers the condition of his dad, four years ago.

And every time he remembers that memory of his father which he thinks it's his fault, and makes him more sad and guilty as he thinks that he is responsible for his father's life which always triggers him to be depressed, unmotivated and feel burnt out causing his performance in the hospital to seem bad.

"Dad... I can't, I am new to this." Doc George protested when he was informed of the decision of his father.

"I know you can, son, I know you can save my life." His father said as he showed a very sweet smile to his son which made Doc George nervous.

He looked up on the expensive looking ceiling of his house as tears continued to stream down her face. His golden retriever dog whose name is Lunch went on his lap, who looked like he was trying to comfort his best friend.

"Dad... I am so sorry. Mom... I am so sorry too, I failed you." He whispered silently as he closed his eyes as the pain conquered his heart, soul and full system again, which means it's a mental breakdown time.

"Are you okay bud, are you coping? Just contact and ask Doctor Villanueva if you need his help." One time while he was on his way to the hospital and just sitting alone on one of the benches in the parking lot, he remembered his acquaintance at that hospital. They are the same age, they are in their mid-thirties, however, this doctor who is known as Doctor Sivan is already married and has a kid, unlike him, still alone and depressed.

"No, I will not do that, I am not crazy, I am not mentally ill." He immediately defended himself, and his co doctor just nodded as he left him.

He was always like that, a very defensive one. He might treat his patients very well with a high-quality service, but himself can't. He cannot heal and treat himself because he was stuck on that painful past, and he did not even accept that he is not really mentally healthy, that he needs help due to his pride and ego.

He once had suicidal thoughts, but he can't swallow and accept ending his life, knowing that the reason that the conscience of him about the death of his father was still eating his soul. He thought that ending his life would be a total disappointment to his parents, so as he can't let go of his past, he can't let go of the pain too, making him not have the chance to do things that makes him happy too.

Doc George looked outside through the rectangular huge window of his house which it is transparent from inside but it's a bizarre from the outside if you try seeing it inside and front hat window, he saw the young man, looking at his car, and to the direction his house confuses and when the young man which he is closed to flash an emotion to his eyes, he knew that something is off to that boy.

"Is Doc, fine? I wish he was, and not to experience this monstrous emotion which was consuming me too." Prince uttered to himself as he continued walking along the sidewalks.

While walking, he was silently praying that whatever that doctor was going in thorough, he prayed that bravery will hit him as a hope will be risen and growth to his life. He noticed that after the death of his parents, he knew that something was off, the doctor changed, he no longer had the aura of a colorful one.

"Huh? Depression? That was just a myth Delilah! Depression was not an existing thing! What an imaginary excuse! Fix yourself sl*t woman and act like an ideal mother to your pest kids!" Suddenly, he heard a voice of man and based on that screaming voice, rage was audible on it.

When he finally saw where that voice was coming from, a figure of a lady wearing an old duster dress welcomed his sight as a bald, thin man holding a cigarette using his left hand was yelling at her.

The lady does not seem well, his body looks weak but when she flushed a bright smile when a little girl wearing a school uniform went out from their house, he sensed that the lady was trying to look strong and brave despite how harsh the words that her husband was throwing at her.

"Hmm..." Prince thought as he continued to walk and slightly kicked some rocks on the sidewalks, while he was feeling a huge baggage was on his back and he felt that it was becoming heavy while he was carrying upon, he was becoming near to his school.

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