'We bring both of them with us, I guess. Come on! Renvolio, Mando... let's go!' 

The group left the stage, Scar following later than the others. 

'You're going to pay for your drinks or I break your legs!' Cleo yelled after, slamming a hand on the bar. There was a sudden blackout as they set up for the next scene. The group entered again, with Keralis on the other side.  

Mr Diamonds can help us!' Scar began 'He can sell us a map to cross the dangerous mountains!'

'Mr Diamonds will rob us, Din Djarin.' Renvolio shot back. 'Besides, Sells gave these two a map.'

'Mr Diamonds can give us a better one.'

'I say we give it a try.' Grian shrugged.

'You're saying we should give everything a try... you should be more careful, Grain.'

'Careful? I'm being careful.' Scar crossed the stage to where Keralis was. 'One map of the mountains please!'

'Ok, sweet faces. That will be 30 diamonds.'

'Thirty diamonds?! Din Djarin, he's robbing us! As I said!'

'Don't worry, Renvolio, I can pay.'

'You sure will...' Pearl crossed her arms. 'The rest of us don't have that kind of money.'

'Don't worry, Din Djarin. We can split the cost.' Grian pulled out some fake diamonds handing them to 'Mr Diamonds.' Scar did the same.

'Thirty diamonds... there you go!'

'Thank you sweet faces! Enjoy your travels!' Keralis handed over a map. Scar took it, smiling. 

'Thank you!' 

'Excuse me, Mr Diamonds, I'm sorry about my friends here, but we're getting a refund. We have a map, we don't need your rubbish one.' Renvolio pushed past Scar to say.

'No refunds.' Keralis crossed his arms.

'We're getting it back!' Pearl joined in.

'He's trying to help!' Scar protested. 'And it's a good map.'

'Would you like any more stuff?'

'No. Come on, we're leaving.' Renvolio walked offstage. Din Djarin, Grain and Pearlie followed.

The trees entered the stage. 

'Tree!' Etho declared. The other trees copied, creating a soundscape of 'tree'. (Thanks IRL drama group for the inspiration

'Are you sure we're going the right way?' Renvolio complained as he entered the stage again. Behind him, Grian sighed.

'Well, Din Djarin did say this was the right way so...'

'He also got our money stolen.' Replied Pearl. 'You're too trusting for your own good, Grain...'

'It's not like he's working for the enemy. And these are just trees.' Grian signalled towards the hermits playing trees.

'We are trees. You are not welcome here.' Said all the trees, in sync now that they'd had practice in the Tree-sistance. 'We are trees, you're not welcome here.' 

'Ok, Din Djarin's just led us to a talking forest. Great...' Sighed Pearl.

'We are trees. Go away.' Repeated the trees.

'We should probably leave...' Renvolio warned. 'Before these guys attack...' He looked around nervously at the talking trees.

'Tree.' Etho declared quietly.

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