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You and your friend were talking about the mandela catalogue, "If you could go there would you?" You ask your friend, "obviously not!I'm too dumb for that shi to survive!" they joked, you two laughed."would you?" They asked, "well yeah I'm overly confident I can survive and save Cesar salad and joner" you said, after that you fell through the chair you were sitting on.

Welcome reader.you have two options, choose wisely.

Option one: you spawn outside of Cesar's house the night before the incident.you have a key.

Option two: you spawn in Cesar's house the night of his death, exactly one minute before, you have no weapons.

What will it be reader?

where am i?(tmc interactive story.)!ON HOLD!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ