Chapter 23

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JULY 20, Thursday

What was more difficult? Lying to your own self that you hadn't done anything wrong and silently dealing with the permanent guilt for ten long years or admitting the truth and meeting your own doom.

Sandra wasn't left with a chance to choose anymore and that was why all she could do was breaking down in hysterics as Annika watched her with no pity in her eyes. It was because a cop wasn't allowed to pity over anyone moreover she wasn't interested in sympathizing with someone who was supposedly someone's partner in crime.

"Ms.Vegas, I don't want you wasting my time by making me repeat my questions. Do you get that?" Annika warned and continued after seeing Sandra nod her head. "Who killed Rosalina? What happened at Siliguri ten years ago?" She shot her crystal clear question and saw Sandra gaze at her with glistened eyes.

She tightly pressed their lips to stop them from quivering before starting to bring the incident in light that she'd kept as a secret for ten years.

"We four, Sam, Zoya, Tori and me stayed together at a hotel for the whole may month. The more time we spent together, the more deeper we bonded with each other. Zoya and I got time to spend many romantic moments and know more about each other.

On her 21st birthday, we decided to go to a night club to celebrate. There Sameera had gotten herself into tequila shots comptetion even though she rare drank. Her opponent was a cute girl, few years elder to us. After drinking twelve shots back to back, Sam wasn't even being able to sit on the barstool properly while that girl stood straight with her chin high and a smirk on her lips after thirteen shots and then walked away swaying her hips.

After that, two days later we saw her at the backyard of a restaurant having a tiff with another girl of her age. The other girl was admonishing her over something while she was listening everything and kept rolling her eyes in between before reply back something that earned her a slap. We didn't wait to see what was going to happen further.

After that, we didn't see her at all until the day after Tori took her decision of resuming back swimming. Since my mission was completed, I told Zoya that we'd leave in two days. Then we decided to camp at riverside for the next night and go on a proper sightseeing with a guide before that in the morning. The manager of the hotel we stayed in arranged a guide for us and that was Rosalina, Rosie.

Rosie took us to visit few different places in the Jeep that had no roof. After that, we rented all camping necessary items with her help before she signed off dropping us at the hotel entrance.

I, Sameera and Zoya started moving towards the river bank with all the things while Tori waited back to get the cake she ordered. As we walked half way through the forest, Zoya got a call from her family. So we stopped at a small area covered with only rose plants for stable network. What we thought to be just a catch up call was actually a confrontation call. Apparently, some secret bodyguards that her family had hired to follow her everywhere had sent them a photo of her, kissing me, at sunset point. That's when I got to know that her family was unaware of her bisexuality and that is was one of the things that was banned in her family.

Zoya then began to explain herself to her family and in meanwhile, Sam told me how always Zoya suffered emotionally because her family imposing meaningless rules and not understand her. Her brother Akhram was the only one who comforted and supported her all time.

At a point, she'd put her phone on speaker on Sam's insistence. Listening to her parents' crude, insulting words even I started getting goosebumps. A normal parent won't even talk to her enemies child like that. Zoya was getting increasingly exasperated as they went on criticizing her choice and insulting me along but she tried her best to not act on it.

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