I have a younger brother and sister, which made it even harder for me as I am the oldest, I need to always take care of them in any needs.

Luckily, my father have some savings kept in his bank account and used it to pay the hospital bills. Hence, Heeseung's parents were also there helping us with some of our expenses.

But not my tuition fee or anything about me.

They insisted but I didn't let them.

My pride's harder than a rock.

They are already helping us so much. I won't know how to repay them if I let them help me also with my studies and needs. As a result, I worked a lot of part time jobs and paid for my own tuition fee. A thought of stopping just for a year even crossed my mind, but Heeseung didn't let me. He also took a few part time job and sometimes keep half of his monthly allowance to give it to me to help me pay for my tuition.

So I guess, they still helped me indirectly.

And I am also indeed lucky to have a bestfriend like Heeseung.

'part time jobs' set up lasted until I graduated college. And to my luck, I got a full scholarship for my medicine school making it a less burden for me and Heeseung atleast.

After two years in medicine school, my father can finally work again. Everything was slowly going back to normal which was great. But still, I didn't stop having one or two part time job. Incase I needed it, atleast I wouldn't have a hard time finding a job again.

And also, extra money ain't bad.

Finally, after a few more years. Me and Heeseung are now doctors. We literally never separated from eachother. From nursery to Medicine school, we were together.

Even now, we still work in the same place. I am assigned on the front desk of the e.r, meanwhile he's assigned to assist emergency patient comers.

At some point people even think that we are dating.

How I wish though...

I mean I'll admit that I have a little crush on him. But I wouldn't expect that our feelings are mutual. He for sure just look at me as his little sister or even maybe just really a bestfriend.

"Jeon Haneul! Im fucking talking to you?!" I flinched when Xavier, a nurse and another friend of mine, shouted and flicked my ear.

"Can you stop cursing? We're literally at work" I rolled my eyes. I slightly rubbed my ear before continuing my work.

"Did you even hear what I said?" he scoffed and harshly poked my shoulder.

"We're at work so do your job" I said, not caring what he was saying.

"It's a gossip that is I'm sure is real" the time he said that, I quickly turned the swivel chair I was seating on towards his direction.

"Spill" I slightly whispered and went near him.

"No! no! we're at work! we should do our job" he sarcastically said, mocking me and turned my chair back in it's position earlier.

"What a brat" I pinched his shoulder making him whine.

"Deserve!" I rolled my eyes and just continued typing.

I heard him laugh and go near me.

"Alright, alright. I'll spill it now"

tsk, as he should.

lI heard from Nurse Faith earlier when she was talking with Nurse Kim. Our hospital will give free high quality apartments to newly weds or just a couple who will get married that are a staff of the hospital" he whispered.

I scoffed and side-eyed him, still typing and doing my work.

"Is that even true? Who knows your just back with your fake news again" I said.

Having my own home have been always my goal in life...

"It's true! Why would I even spread words about things like that? hello? it's no fun!" He scoffed and went back in front of his computer.

I was deep in thoughts. Thinking what if I receive one of the apartments? but how? I don't even have a boyfriend at the moment.

I stopped typing when a person called my name.


I looked up and saw Heeseung walking towards me. He placed a in-can energy drink beside my keyboard and leaned on the front desk.

He showed me the palm of his hand and said with a smug smile, "Pay for it"

"I didn't even ask you to buy me one" I rolled my eyes and took the energy drink before putting it in front of him, returning it back.

He chuckled and placed it back beside my keyboard.

"I was just joking, why are you so moody huh?" he slightly poked my cheek which I quickly pushed away.

He chuckled when I just ignored him and continued my work.

"I'll get going now" he poked my cheek again before walking away.

As he was about to get away, the free high quality apartment came back in my mind.

I don't have any REAL boyfriend, but in gossips I have.

What if...?

whatever, here goes nothing.

"Heeseung!" I called him as I stood up.

"When will you ask me to marry you?!" I accidentally yelled which made everyone in the e.r look at us.

oh fuck. that was too loud.

"WHA—!?" Xavier's hand quickly went to his mouth.

Heeseung looked at me, perplexed.

He pointed himself and slowly asked, "Me?... will ask you—" but he was cut off the hospital's landline ringing.

Muscle memory I might say, I quickly went to it and answered the incoming call.

"TRAFFIC ACCIDENT 5 MINUTES AWAY! 3 CARS ARE INVOLVED AND THERE ARE 9 PATIENTS IN TOTAL! 4 PATIENTS ARE ON THEIR WAY!" I quickly yelled after talking to the one in charge on the ambulance.

"Wait— what— oh my god what did you mean marri—" Xavier stood up from his chair, panicking.

"Focus on the emergency will you?" I sternly looked at him before walking to the small push cart to get surgical gloves.

I sanitised my hands first before wearing the gloves.

My gaze went on Heeseung who's just standing to where he is and is spacing out.

"Hey" I walked to him and waved my hand in front of his face.

"Move, there's an emergency"

"I— right" he cleared his throat before also sanitizing his hands and wearing gloves.

I mentally shook my head and forced myself to focus on the emergency. Obviously regretting what I just said.

hi :) really missed writing so here I am.


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