Part Twelve

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Screams full of fear echo throughout the corridors, and my feet stick to the cold floor as I walk.

Groaning in pain as a hard force hits me directly in the stomach.

Bucky reaches his metal arm out to the frightened Y/N.

Crouching down as he sees the terror in her eyes.

"Ты в безопасности, никто не причинит тебе боль." ("You're safe, no one is going to hurt you.") Bucky soothed, His voice raspy.


"ОСТАВЬ МЕНЯ В ПОКОЕ!" ("LEAVE ME ALONE!") She screams, tears running down her cheeks.

"They made me do it, I-I had no con-control, no mem-memory,"she stuttered shaking her head.

"I've done things, really bad things," she said coldly "Bad th-things I enjoyed committing." She admitted quietly. 

Sweat drips from her forehead as she stares at nothing, fear rising in me.

Blood soaking her white long sleeve shirt.

Blood covers their faces, moving closer to me as guilt and sorrow flow in my veins.

"Y/N" my Father calls. "Father." I sniffed. Turning my attention to him. His limbs twisted and broken, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"This is your fault, Y/N." Mother yells. Purple and yellow bruises were painted on her face.

"No, no." I cried.

My heart aches as if a thousand knives stabbed me as if my heart was glass and it shattered.

"You're a Monster." She hissed. My heart felt cold, and suddenly, sadness turned into anger.

"Turn the pain they caused into power." Voices told me echoing in my mind.

Rising from my knees as my metal hand tightens around my mother's throat pushing her against the hard wall.

"A MONSTER?" I yelled, anger twisting my words.

"A WEAPON?" My grip tightens.

"HYDRA'S REPLICA?" I snapped.

"A terrified, helpless human forced into a monster?" I whispered.

Her body twitched as her body went limp, falling to the cold ground.

"Why should I apologize for the monster I've become? No one apologized for making me a monster."
I stare into her lifeless eyes.

Something in my chest broke so violently that, I wondered if it was possible for no one to have heard it.

My heart broke.

Bucky's throat was sore and bruised, struggling as he rises from the cold floor.

His metal hand balled up into a tight fist, grabbing Y/N'S long sleeve by the collar. Punching her in the jaw.

Coughing as he loses balance, Y/N'S body falls to the floor blood forming a puddle from her mouth, and dripping from her lips.

"What the fuck is going on?" Tony asks his voice full of shock.

"Are you fucking death, Barnes? What the hell happened." He questioned.

Steve, Natasha, followed behind Tony their expressions tired and alarmed.

Dr.Banner running over to Y/N'S cold body.

"She unconscious,"He informed, looking up at Bucky's icy blue eyes.

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