Part Six

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Trigger Warning: Blood, Cursing, etc will be making an appearance in this chapter.

Rage and hatred washed over me as I stir from my slumber.

Cautiously getting up from the cold floor, my eyes scanned the cell I have been imprisoned in.

My skin boiling with anger.
Many glass windows surrounded me.

Clenching my fists and walked to the nearest cell window. The warmth of my breath fogs the glass.

Licking my lips as beads of sweat cover my forehead. My hand creeps down to my holster as I keep my eyes focused on the door to the cell room.

My eyes widened, my holster empty.
My blades were gone. A Frustrated shout leaves my lips, running my hands through my tangled (H/L) (H/C) hair.

Pacing around the cell as thoughts crowd my mind.

The bright lights sizzled with electricity. My head throbbed with pain.

I stare down at the thin file placed in front of me, my fingertips gently tapping on the surface of the table.

"The file in front of you is all the information about her we could gather," Steve states nodding to the file.

Slowly I open the file, looking back up at Steve in confusion.

"There wasn't much information we could find." He sighs shaking his head.

Looking back down at the file, staring at the printed words.

"Y/N Y/L/N, Hydra's replica of the Winter Soldier," Dr. Banner begins now standing beside Steve.

The rest of the team shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

"Taken by Hydra at 23 years old in 1953. The project began in 1973." Dr.Banner finishes.

My stomach turns with sorrow. My eyes scan the file, comprehending the information.

My hands cover my ears as a loud alarm fills the compound, as the lights glow red.

My metal fist makes contact with the glass as alarms continue to make a deafening sound.

The glass cracked with every punch I threw. The cell door swings open, and people run in.

A smirk creeps onto my lips, I slowly raise my metal fist to the glass. Punching the glass as hard as I could, a woman with rust orange hair flinches.

"Y/N" a short man in a purple button-up shirt, with ebony black curls said.

I tilt my head to the side, furrowing my brows in confusion.

"Who the hell is Y/N?" I demand.

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